Physics with Astrophysics MSci Hons (2024)

Indicative modules

Year one

Year two

Year three

Year four


Year 1

From Newton to Einstein


Year 1

Introductory Experimental Physics


Year 1

Frontiers in Physics


Year 1

Quantitative Physics


Year 1

Basic Mathematical Methods for Physics


Year 1

Computing For Physical Science


Year 2

The Quantum World


Year 2

Thermal and Statistical Physics


Year 2

Classical Fields


Year 2

Wave Phenomena


Year 2

Intermediate Experimental Physics


Year 2

The Structure of Stars


Year 2

The Structure of Galaxies


Year 3

Atoms, Photons and Fundamental Particles


Year 3

Introduction to Cosmology


Year 3

Introduction to Solid State Physics


Year 3

Extreme Astrophysics


Year 3

Physics Project


Year 3

Quantum Dynamics


Year 3

Atmospheric and Planetary Physics


Year 3

Functional Medical Imaging


Year 3

Scientific Computing


Year 3

Semiconductor Physics


Year 3

Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics


Year 3

Force and Function at the Nanoscale


Year 3

Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos


Year 3

Symmetry and Action Principles in Physics


Year 3

Soft Condensed Matter


Year 3

Molecular Biophysics


Year 3

From Accelerators to Medical Imaging


Year 3

Health Physics


Year 4

Physics Research Project


Year 4

Research Techniques in Astronomy


Year 4

Order, Disorder and Fluctuations


Year 4

Modern Cosmology


Year 4

Magnetic Resonance


Year 4

The Politics, Perception and Philosophy of Physics


Year 4

Quantum Transport


Year 4

Imaging and Data Processing


Year 4

Light and Matter


Year 4

Modern Applications of Physics: From Research to Industry

Physics with Astrophysics MSci Hons (1)

About modules

The above is a sample of the typical modules we offer, but is not intended to be construed or relied on as a definitive list of what might be available in any given year. This content was last updated on Thursday 27 June 2024. Due to timetabling availability, there may be restrictions on some module combinations.

Physics with Astronomy MSci Module information

You may be able to choose to study a language as part of this degree.

Learning another language can open career opportunities around the globe and enriches your CV. It could also help you in your studies by being able to access learning materials in other languages.

If you are planning to travel or work abroad it will help you to broaden your cultural understanding.

Our Language Centre offers many languages, and you may start as a beginner or at a more advanced level.

Find out more about learning a language as part of your degree

From Newton to Einstein Introductory Experimental Physics Frontiers in Physics Quantitative Physics Basic Mathematical Methods for Physics Computing For Physical Science

How does the worldreallywork?

We’ll take you from Newton’s mechanics, the pinnacle of the scientific revolution and the foundation of our understanding of modern physics, right through to our current understanding of physics with Einstein’s theory of relativity and quantum mechanics.

This module will underpin your entire physics degree. It contains all the ideas and principles that form the basis of our modern world. As you’ll find out, some of these ideas are very strange indeed.

You’ll study:

  • Newton’s laws of mechanics
  • The physics of waves and oscillations
  • Electricity and magnetism
  • Quantum mechanics and the foundations of modern physics
  • Einstein’s relativity

In this module you will receive: an introduction to the basic techniques and equipment used in experimental physics; training in the analysis and interpretation of experimental data; opportunities to observe phenomena discussed in theory modules and training in the skills of record keeping and writing scientific reports.

The frontiers of knowledge in physics are constantly changing.This module will cover major areas at the forefront of modern research, beyond those encountered in the core modules. You'll be introduced to cutting-edge topics in medical physics, nanoscience, and astronomy by experts in each of these fields.

You'll study:

  • Medical physics: the physics of sound and hearing; radioactivity in medicine; magnetic resonance imaging
  • Nanoscience: physics at the nanoscale; introduction to quantum mechanics; viewing and manipulating matter at the atomic level; chaos
  • Astronomy: stars, galaxies, and black holes; gravitational waves; the Big Bang; climate change

This year-long module will train you in the mathematical modelling of physical processes. You’ll cover topics such as basic statistics and errors, dimensional analysis, curve sketching, orders of magnitude and estimates, and integrating problems in physics among others.

This year-long module covers the mathematical background required for the majority of undergraduate-level study of physics and astronomy. It will complement the material studied in other first-year physics degree modules.

The structure of the module has been designed to ease students into the level of maths required for the early stages of your degree.

The topics covered in this module are:

  • Complex numbers
  • Differentiation and Taylor Series representations
  • Stationary points of two-dimensional functions
  • Integration techniques for functions of single and multiple variables
  • Partial derivatives of functions of multiple variables
  • Conic sections in plane geometry
  • Fourier representation of functions and the Fourier transform
  • Matrices and eigenvalue problems
  • Solving first-order ordinary differential equations (ODEs)
  • Solving hom*ogeneous and inhom*ogeneous linear constant coefficient ODEs

You’ll receive training in basic computing techniques using Python, and will be introduced to their use in solving physical problems.

You’ll spend two hours in computer classes and a one hour lecture each week.

The Quantum World Thermal and Statistical Physics Classical Fields Wave Phenomena Intermediate Experimental Physics The Structure of Stars The Structure of Galaxies

This module provides an introduction to the theory and elementary applications of quantum mechanics, a theory that is one of the key achievements of physics. Quantum mechanics is an elegant theoretical construct that is both beautiful and mysterious. Some of the predictions of quantum mechanics are wholly counter-intuitive and there are aspects of it that are not properly understood. Nonetheless, it has been thoroughly tested empirically for nearly a century and, wherever predictions can be made, they agree with experiment.

The notes, videos, and simulations for the first semester of The Quantum World are all publicly available and freely accessible.Check out the notes online,which include embedded links to the videos and interactive simulations.

You’ll study:

  • Quantum vs classical states
  • Fourier series and transforms: translating from position to momentum space
  • The Heisenberg uncertainty principle (particularly from a Fourier perspective)
  • The time-dependent and time-independent Schrödinger equation
  • Bound and unbound states, scattering and tunnelling
  • Wavepackets
  • The subtleties of the particle in a box
  • Operators, observables, and the thorny measurement problem
  • Matrix mechanics and Dirac notation
  • The quantum harmonic oscillator
  • Conservation and correspondence principles
  • Angular momentum
  • Stern-Gerlach experiment
  • Spin
  • Zeeman effect, Rabi oscillations
  • 2D and 3D systems
  • Degeneracies
  • Hydrogen atom and the radial Schrödinger equation
  • Entanglement and non-locality
  • ... and, of course, that ever-frustrating feline...

Macroscopic systems exhibit behaviour that often differs from that of their microscopic constituents. This module explores the relationship between the macro and micro worlds, and the complexity which emerges from the interplay of many interacting degrees of freedom.

You’ll study:

  • Laws of thermodynamics, and how they are still relevant
  • Macroscopic characterisation of matter, for example how liquid nitrogen is made and understood
  • Statistical formulation, linking micro and macro systems
  • Quantum statistics, providing a theory for everything!

In this module you will explore the concepts of scalar and vector fields. You will learn the mathematics of vector calculus, which give us a powerful tool for studying the properties of fields and understanding their physics.

You will then study its application in two important and contrasting areas of physics: fluid dynamics, and electromagnetism. We use examples such as water draining from a sink or wind in a tornado to provide intuitive illustrations of the application of vector calculus, which can then help us to understand the behaviour of electric and magnetic fields.

You’ll study:

  • The fundamental principles and techniques of vector calculus, and methods to visualise and calculate the properties of scalar and vector fields
  • The application of vector calculus to fluid flow problems
  • Maxwell’s equations of electrodynamics, and their applications in electrostatics, magnetic fields and electromagnetic waves.

The physics of waves features in our everyday lives. Waves are important phenomena. They include:

  • electromagnetic waves that we know as light
  • communication via radio and microwaves
  • surface waves on water
  • shock waves in earthquakes

Understanding light and how it can be manipulated leads to important technical applications such as optics and cameras in mobile phones, telecommunication and the internet or even quantum computers.

This module will cover the wave description of light; geometrical optics and imaging, interference and diffraction; optical interferometry. The second half of the module will introduce more general methods for the discussion of wave propagation, and Fourier methods.

You’ll study:

  • Imaging and matrix methods
  • Microscopes and telescopes. State of the art telescopes such as the Hubble Telescope, the VLT (Very Large Telescope) and the James Webb Telescope.
  • Interference patterns and their applications, for example to study the structure of proteins, of crystals and of fullerenes

In this module you will develop your experimental technique and gain experience of some key instruments and methods. The experiments will cover electrical measurements, optics and radiation. You will also learn how to use a computer to control experiments and to record data directly from measuring instruments.

In this module you will further develop your laboratory skills.

  • You will learn how to create software to perform automated laboratory experiments, such as driving a robot buggy, measuring the time taken for heat to flow through a thin metal sheet, and developing a sensitive temperature controller.
  • You will explore topics at greater depth by performing open-ended laboratory investigations in areas such as chaos, quantum physics, elementary particles, x-ray and gamma radiation, and magnetic resonance imaging.

In this module you will learn how the same physics that works on Earth – gravity, electromagnetism, thermodynamics, optics, quantum physics, atomic and nuclear physics – is used to understand stars. You will explore the most important physical processes occurring in stars of different types. You will then use this knowledge to build mathematical models of stars and to understand their internal structure, their formation, evolution, and death.

You’ll study:

  • How astronomers measure the most important properties of stars such as their mass, size, distance, brightness, temperature, chemical composition and age. This module will then teach you how physics is able to explain these properties.
  • How energy is generated inside stars through nuclear fusion, and how it is transported to the surface to make stars shine.
  • How to write the equations that describe the structure of stars, and how to use them to build mathematical models that explain their properties and evolution.
  • How stars are born, how they evolve with time, how long they live, how they die, and what remnants they leave behind. You will be able to understand, for instance, how supernovae explode and how some black holes form.

This module will develop your current understanding of the various large-scale physical processes that dictate the formation, evolution and structure of galaxies, from when the Universe was in its infancy to the present day.

You’ll explore a range of topics, starting with the fundamentals of observational techniques used by astronomers for understanding the structure of our own galaxy, the Milky Way. We will then look at the more sophisticated ways of unpicking the physics that drives the complexity we see throughout the population of galaxies in the Universe.

Specifically, in this module, you will study:

  • The structure of the Milky Way – how we determine the structure of the Milky Way, its rotation curve and what this implies for its dark matter content
  • Properties of galaxies in the Universe – how astronomers classify galaxies, the properties of the different classes and how their constituents vary between classes
  • Dynamics of galaxies – kinematics of the gas and stars in galaxies, why spiral arms form, the theory of epicycles, bar formation, different types of orbits of matter within galaxies
  • Active galaxies – radio galaxies, quasars and active galactic nuclei, super-massive black holes
  • The environment of galaxies – how the environment that a galaxy resides in affects its evolution and structure
  • Galaxy evolution – observations of galaxy evolution from the early Universe to the present day, models of galaxy evolution.

Atoms, Photons and Fundamental Particles Introduction to Cosmology Introduction to Solid State Physics Extreme Astrophysics Physics Project Quantum Dynamics Principles of Dynamics Atmospheric and Planetary Physics Functional Medical Imaging Scientific Computing Semiconductor Physics Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics Force and Function at the Nanoscale Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos Symmetry and Action Principles in Physics Soft Condensed Matter Molecular Biophysics From Accelerators to Medical Imaging Health Physics

This module will introduce students to the physics of atoms, nuclei and the fundamental constituents of matter and their interactions. The module will also develop the quantum mechanical description of these.

Topics to be covered are:

  • Approximation techniques first order perturbation theory, degeneracies, second order perturbation theory, transition rates, time-dependent perturbation theory, Fermi's golden rule
  • Particle Physics protons and neutrons, antiparticles, particle accelerators and scattering experiments, conservation laws, neutrinos, leptons, baryons and hadrons, the quark model and the strong interaction, weak interactions, standard model
  • Introduction to atomic physics review of simple model of hydrogen atom, Fermi statistics and Pauli principle, aufbau principle, hydrogenic atoms, exchange, fine structure and hyperfine interactions, dipole interaction, selection rules and transition rates
  • Lasers optical polarization and photons, optical cavities, population inversions, Bose statistics and stimulated emission, Einstein A and B coefficients
  • Nuclear Physics Radioactivity, decay processes, alpha, beta and gamma emission, detectors, stability curves and binding energies, nuclear fission, fusion, liquid drop and shell models.

Cosmology is the scientific study of the Universe as a whole. It aims to understand what the Universe is made of, and its evolution from the Big Bang until today (and into the future).

You’ll study:

  • observational evidence for the Big Bang
  • how the expansion of the Universe depends on its contents and geometry
  • how the contents of the Universe evolve as it expands and cools
  • dark matter and dark energy: observational evidence and the latest theoretical models
  • inflation, a proposed period of accelerated expansion in the very early Universe

Solid state physics underpins almost every technological development around us, from solar cells and LEDs to silicon chips and mobile phones.

The aim of this module is to introduce to you the fundamental topics in solid state physics. We start by looking at why atoms and molecules come together to form a crystal structure. We then follow the electronic structure of these through to interesting electronic, thermal and magnetic properties that we can harness to make devices.

You’ll study:

  • Why atoms and molecules come together to form crystal structures
  • The description of crystal structures, reciprocal lattices, diffraction and Brillouin zones
  • Nearly-free electron model – Bloch's theorem, band gaps from electron Bragg scattering and effective masses
  • Band theory, Fermi surfaces, qualitative picture of transport, metals, insulators and semiconductors
  • Semiconductors – doping, inhom*ogeneous semiconductors, basic description of pn junction
  • Phonons normal modes of ionic lattice, quantization, Debye theory of heat capacities, acoustic and optical phonons
  • Optical properties of solids absorption and reflection of light by metals, Brewster angle, dielectric constants, plasma oscillations
  • Magnetism – Landau diamagnetism, paramagnetism, exchange interactions, Ferromagnetism, antiferromagnetism, neutron scattering, dipolar interactions and domain formation, magnetic technology

This module explores the physical processes involved in the most extreme environments known in the Universe. Among the objects studied are neutron stars, black holes, supernova explosions, and active galactic nuclei.

You will carry out a project drawn from one of several areas of physics. The project may be experimental or theoretical in nature. Many of the projects reflect the research interests of members of academic staff. You will work in pairs and are expected to produce a plan of work and to identify realistic goals for your project. Each pair has a project supervisor responsible for setting the project. You will also be required to maintain a diary/laboratory notebook throughout.

Occasionally the work from these projects is used in scientific publications, and the students involved are named as authors on those publications.

Depending upon the type of project that you decide to do, you will design and carry out your own experiments, theoretical calculations or computational work and use them to generate what are often new and interesting results. The project culminates in your writing a scientific report which is submitted for assessment along with your laboratory notebook.

Understanding the dynamics of quantum systems is crucial, not just for describing the fundamental physics of atoms, but also for the development of exciting new quantum-based technologies. This module will equip you with the key theoretical concepts and methods needed to explore how quantum systems evolve with time.

You’ll study:

  • Connections between the dynamics of quantum systems and that of more familiar classical ones
  • When (and how) to use approximations that allow complex problems to be made much simpler
  • The extent to which the evolution of quantum states can be controlled
  • How to put theory into practice using one of IBM’s prototype quantum computers.

This module will introduce you to the mathematical language behind the classical mechanics describing our universe. You will learn about Lagrangians and Hamiltonians, the starting place from which we can determine the dynamics of complicated systems, like pendula and planets orbiting the sun, as well as the origin of conserved quantities such as energy and momentum.

This is a fun module. At school you learnt Kepler’s Laws, Newton’s Law of Gravity, and F=ma, but how can you derive these amazing results? Where do they come from?

Here you will find out, as we introduce you to the mathematical language behind the classical mechanics describing our universe. You will learn about Lagrangians and Hamiltonians, the starting place from which we can determine the dynamics of complicated systems, like pendula and planets orbiting the sun, as well as the origin of conserved quantities such as energy and momentum. For two hours a week we will take you into the mathematics and ideas of giants like Newton, Euler, Lagrange, Noether and Hamilton.

Among many exciting things, you will study:

  • Newton’s Laws and deriving the orbits predicted by Kepler
  • Lagrangians and Hamiltonians, the building blocks behind classical mechanics
  • The Euler-Lagrange equations describing the dynamics behind classical systems
  • Rigid bodies – introducing moments of inertia, centre of mass and more so that we can apply these results to many particle rigid systems, like pendulums and even you
  • Constraints – how to determine the dynamics of a system where it is constrained, for example, the motion of an explorer constrained to be on the surface of the earth
  • The motion of charged particles, like electrons in an electromagnetic field
  • Hamilton’s equations as an alternative way to determine the dynamics of a system, particularly useful when we are searching for conserved quantities like angular momentum
  • Spinning tops – what? You heard right, the vital roles of gyroscopes in our life are understood by 5-year-olds, but the mathematics certainly is not. Thanks to this course, now you can understand that as well.

In this module you will explore the physics of planets and their atmospheres — a topic that is at the forefront of modern astrophysics and planetary science.

In the last few decades, the discovery of thousands of exoplanets beyond our Solar System has revolutionised the study of planets and their atmospheres.

Closer to home, understanding the physical processes at play in the Earth’s atmosphere remains vital for predicting weather and climate.

You’ll study:

  • Exoplanet detection methods and the physics of planet formation
  • The structure, temperature and composition of planetary atmospheres
  • Atmospheric dynamics
  • Exoplanet atmospheres and the search for biosignatures

The techniques for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and spectroscopy (MRS) are explored. The course aims to introduce the brain imaging technique of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), giving an overview of the physics involved in this technique. The electromagnetic techniques of electroencephalography (EEG) and magnetoencephalography (MEG) will then be outlined, and the relative advantages of the techniques described.

This module aims to provide you with the skills necessary to use computational methods in the solution of non-trivial problems in physics and astronomy. You’ll also sharpen your programming skills through a three hour computing class and one hour of lectures per week.

This module introduces you to the physics and applications of Semiconductors. Semiconductors are key materials of the current Information Age. They enabled most of the devices and technologies we use everyday, such as computers, internet, mobile phones. Semiconductors help us to mitigate global warming, data theft, end of the Moore’s law and other global challenges.

This module includes detailed overview of the Semiconductors past, present and future, and provides skills and knowledge essential for a future Semiconductor researcher or engineer.

You’ll study:

  • Physics and applications of conventional semiconductor materials and devices, for example p-n diodes and field-effect transistors
  • Physics and applications of novel semiconductor materials, quantum materials, nanostructures, low dimensional materials, such as graphene and quantum dots
  • Current and future semiconductor challenges and technologies, such as efficient solar cells, ultrasensitive phone cameras and quantum computers.

Particle physics has been hugely influential in both science and society, from the discovery of the electron to the detection of the Higgs boson. In this module you will be introduced to the mathematical tools required to understand our current description of the Standard Model of particle physics.

You’ll study:

  • The Dirac equation, which describes electrons, quarks and neutrinos
  • How symmetry and conservation laws are crucial in particle physics
  • The Feynman approach to computing the scattering of particles

We will study some of the fundamental forces at the nanoscale and look at the role of key concepts such as entropy. We will also learn how we can visualise and measure the nanoscale structures that form.

The nanoscale world is very different from our regular experience. Thermal energy pushes and pulls everything towards a state of disorder whilst nanoscale forces allow for materials to resist this and stay together. We will study some of the fundamental forces at the nanoscale and look at the role of key concepts such as entropy. We will also learn how we can visualise and measure the nanoscale structures that form.

While the forces we will study operate over distances as small as 1 nanometre we will explore how these concepts are responsible for phenomena in our everyday world we often don’t even think about:

  • Why is a droplet spherical?
  • What is going on when you scramble an egg?
  • How can a gecko walk across a perfectly smooth ceiling?
  • Why do you use soap when you wash?
  • Why don’t oil and water mix?

How can complicated nonlinear mechanical, electrical and biological systems be understood? In this module you will develop your knowledge of classical mechanics of simple linear behaviour to include the behaviour of complex nonlinear dynamics. You’ll learn about the way in which nonlinear deterministic systems can exhibit essentially random behaviours, and approaches to understand and control them.

You’ll learn:

  • In-depth knowledge of nonlinear dynamics in continuous and discrete classical systems
  • Practical skills in using analytical, geometric and numerical approaches to analyse dynamics in nonlinear systems of various dimensions
  • Methods to understand and create beautiful fractals through simple iteration rules.

Symmetry plays a central role in physics. Most of the fundamental Laws of modern physics have been formulated using symmetry principles. Symmetry is also expected to guide for further understanding and development of theories of physical phenomena.

Through a combination of lectures, engagement sessions and workshops, this module equips you with:

  • the key concepts of symmetry
  • the correspondence between symmetries and conservation laws
  • the derivations of physics laws from the action principles
  • and the consequences of symmetry breaking.

You’ll study:

  • Symmetries of space and phase space using classical mechanics
  • Symmetries of spacetime and in electromagnetism using special relativity
  • Main symmetry groups of modern physics laws
  • How structures in nature are results of symmetry breaking.

This module aims to to give you a basic grounding in key concepts in soft condensed matter physics. It will focus on the dynamic, structural and kinematic properties of these materials as well as their self-assembly into technologically important structures for the production of nanostructured materials.

Key differences and similarities between soft matter, hard matter and liquid systems will be highlighted and discussed throughout the module. Material that will be covered includes:

  • Introduction to soft matter
  • Forces, energies and timescales in soft matter
  • Liquids and glasses
  • Phase transitions in soft matter (solid-liquid and liquid-liquid demixing)
  • Polymeric materials
  • Gelation
  • Crystallisation in soft systems
  • Liquid crystals
  • Molecular order in soft systems
  • Soft Nanotechnology

This module explores how physics-based techniques are used to gain insight into complex molecular systems of biological relevance. In studying the physics underpinning this area of research where chemistry, biology and physics all overlap, we will draw on principles derived from quantum mechanics and statistical physics to develop a better understanding of the biomolecular world.

Physics has made significant contributions in our efforts to understand the underlying molecular principles of life. For instance, physics plays an important role in the development of sophisticated methods that make it possible to measure the complex structure of biological molecules and their mutual interactions and dynamics. Two important groups of such biomolecules that will be discussed in the module are proteins and deoxynucleic acids (DNA).

Topics covered in this module include:

  • Introduction into the important classes of complex biomolecules
  • What are the underlying principles that make molecules to acquire a functional 3-dimensional structure?
  • How can molecular structure be measured with high accuracy?
  • How do molecular motors work and can molecules carry out directional motion?
  • How can molecular forces and distances be measured between individual molecules.

Science is the cornerstone of modern healthcare. For example, in the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) more than 80% of clinical decisions are informed by scientific analysis.

In this module, we will explore some of the critical technologies that underpin these decisions. The course begins by exploring particle accelerators, and how they are used to create, for example, high energy photons or anti-matter particles. We will then see how these are used to either diagnose or treat illnesses such as cancer.

We will look closely at medical imaging techniques such as X-ray computed tomography (the CT scan), exploring the mathematics of how high-definition images of the body can be formed. We will cover nuclear medicine – how radiation can be used to track the function of organs in the body – and how advanced mathematical models feed into diagnostic decisions.

In this module we will learn how physicists can harness the health benefits of using radiation, as well as measuring and controlling levels of radiation in the environment or therapy.

Radiation is a term which can cover many different phenomena and a wide range of energies (acoustic, electromagnetic, ionizing). It can come from a wide range of sources (natural or manufactured). In the public eye radiation can often be seen as a danger e.g. location of mobile phone masts.

You will study:

  • Types of radiation used in medicine for therapy and tracers.
  • The properties of radiation, how it interacts with matter and tissue as a function of energy.
  • The biological effects of radiation and the principles which govern safe exposure limits.
  • Dosimetry and instrumentation methods.
  • The way issues of radiation protection are presented to the public and perception of risk.

Physics Research Project Research Techniques in Astronomy Order, Disorder and Fluctuations Modern Cosmology Magnetic Resonance The Politics, Perception and Philosophy of Physics Quantum Transport Imaging and Data Processing Gravity Light and Matter Modern Applications of Physics: From Research to Industry

In this year-long module you’ll work on an original theoretical or practical problem directly relevant to the research taking place in the school or in a collaborating external organisation, such as industry or an overseas university. You’ll spend semester one researching the background to your chosen project and carry out your original research in semester two.


  • Choose a project from a wide range of options reflecting the broad range of research in the school (Astronomy; Particle Cosmology; MRI; Experimental and Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics)
  • Study the background and underlying physical principles of your choice
  • Carry out the original research and present your results orally and in a written report

This module develops a range of modern astronomical techniques through student-centered approaches to topical research problems. You’ll cover a range of topics related to ongoing research in astronomy and astrophysics, and will encompass theoretical and observational approaches. This module is based on individual and group student-led activities involving the solution of topical problems including written reports and exercises, and a project.

This module will develop the modern theoretical description of phase transitions and critical phenomena and provide an introduction to the dynamics of non-equilibrium systems. Topics to be covered will include:

  • ordered phases of matter;
  • order parameters;
  • scaling behaviour at critical points;
  • mean-field approaches;
  • finite-size scaling;
  • stochastic processes;
  • Langevin dynamics and the Fokker-Planck equation.

Applications, both within and beyond, condensed matter physics will be discussed.

This module introduces you to the key ideas behind modern approaches to our understanding of the role of inflation in the early and late universe, in particular through the formation of structure, the generation of anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background radiation, and the origin of dark energy. You’ll study through a series of staff lectures and student-led workshops.

This module will explain how the intrinsic spin of nuclei and electrons is exploited in magnetic resonance experiments. It will describe the classical and quantum pictures of the phenomenon of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and show why NMR forms such a powerful analytical tool, today. Basic electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) will also be described, along with the equipment used for NMR and EPR, and some applications of these techniques.

In this module you'll gain anappreciation of the broad societal impact of physics (and science in general). You'll be introduced to the politics surrounding science policy (on, e.g., global warming/renewable energy R&D) and research funding. You'll also explore some of the key ideas in the philosophy of physics and science, particularly as they relate to public perception of scientific research.

Electronic devices such as transistors and light emitting diodes are the basic building blocks of the technology that underpins all aspects of the modern world.

Previous modules on Solid State Physics and Semiconductor Physics should have given you a good understanding of how these devices work. The move to make these building blocks ever smaller leads us into regimes where we have to treat the quantum nature of electrons in solids much more seriously.

Research in this area has led to the development of entirely new types of electronic devices such as quantum well lasers. It has also uncovered entirely new physical phenomena like the quantum Hall effects. It is this new physics and its applications that is the topic of this module.

You will study:

  • The quantum theory of electrical transport in solids – elastic and inelastic scattering, conductance quantization
  • Quantum confinement – technology for producing 2d, 1d and 0d electronic systems
  • Quantum interference phenomena – weak and strong localization, Aharonov Bohm effect
  • Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene
  • Quantum Dots – tunnelling, charging effects, optoelectronic applications
  • Quantum Hall Effects and Topological Insulators.

Modern science is data rich. For example, it’s not uncommon for a single experiment to generate terabytes, or even petabytes of data. As scientists, one of the major challenges we face is to collapse these vast data archives into meaningful information that we can understand, and use to draw conclusions.

In this module, you will learn the critical mathematical techniques that are used to do this. We will cover techniques from simple image processing, all the way to advanced blind source separation and machine learning. You will then put these techniques into practice, in a data processing project that may range from satellite imaging to measuring the amount of information stored by the human brain.

After more than 200 hundred years of Newtonian gravity, Einstein revolutionised the way we view space and time. This module will introduce you to the key concepts and tools used to describe gravitational physics as set down in General Relativity.

You’ll study:

  • How geometry plays a central role in physical measurements
  • How to compute the paths of objects in curved spacetime
  • The spacetime geometry of black holes

This module will extend previous work in the areas of atomic and optical physics to cover modern topics in the area of quantum effects in light-matter interactions. Some basic material will be introduced in six staff-led seminars and you’ll have around two hours of lectures and student-led workshops each week.

This module will give you insights into how physics is applied in a range of academic and industrial environments including research to advance knowledge, product development and problem-solving.

How is physics used in the real world? This module will give you insights into how physics is applied in a range of academic and industrial environments including research to advance knowledge, product development and problem-solving.

You’ll gain:

  • knowledge of the areas of research conducted in the School of Physics and Astronomy and their applications.
  • insights into how physicists work in industry from presentations given by invited speakers from companies and national facilities
  • experience of working in a team in which you will use the skills you have gained to solve problems such as those faced in industry.
Physics with Astrophysics MSci Hons (2024)
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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

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Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.