Atomic and Nuclear Physics Notes | Knowt (2024)

Cathode Ray Experiments

  • cathode ray - free electrons emitted by a negative electrode

  • these rays could be deflected by a magnetic field

  • J.J. Thomson (1897)

    • proved more clearly that cathode rays carry negative charge

    • hypothesis on why rays couldn’t be deflected with an electric field —> cathode rays ionized some of the air molecules remaining in the vacuum chamber and these ions shielded the cathode rays from the electric field

    • by trying to get an extremely low pressure in the tube, he demonstrated that cathode rays respond to electric fields as negatively charged particles would —> discovered the electron

Charge-to-mass Ratio of the Electron

  • Thomson did not have a method for measuring mass or charge of an electron

  • he found a way to determine ratio of charge to mass for electron using both an electric and magnetic field

Fe = qE and Fm = qvB

Fnet = Fe + Fm

Fnet = 0

Fe = Fm

Eq = qvB

E = Bv

v = E/B —> speed for a particle

  • Thomson used mutually perpendicular electric and magnetic fields to determine speed of cathode rays and measured deflection when one of the fields was switched on

  • deflections depended on the magnitude of the field, the length of the path in the field, the speed, charge and mass of cathode ray particles

  • used his measurements to calculate a ratio of 2 unknowns, q and m

  • concluded that all cathode rays consisted of identical particles with exactly the same negative charge

  • experiments showed that q/m ≈ 1011 C/kg

  • Thomson reasoned that electrons are much smaller than atoms and put forward a theory that atoms were divisible and that the tiny particles in cathode rays were “the substance from which all chemical elements are built up”

Determining Charge-to-mass Ratios

  • when a charge particle moves perpendicular to a magnetic field, the magnetic force is perpendicular to the particle’s velocity so particle’s direction changes but its speed is consistent

  • a charge particle moving perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field follows a circular path, with magnetic force acting as the centripetal force

Fnet = Fm

Fc = Fm

(1/r)mv2 = qvB

q/m = v/Br

Thomson’s Raisin-bun Model

  • most atoms are electrically neutral

  • if electrons are constituents of atoms, atoms must also contain some form of positive charge

  • since no positively charged particles had been discovered Thomson suggested that atoms might consist of electrons embedded in a blob of massless positive charge

Millikan’s Oil Drop Experiment

  • used an atomizer to spray tiny drops of oil into the top of a closed vessel containing two parallel metal plates

  • friction during the spraying process gave some of the oil drops a small electric charge, Millikan also used x-rays to charge oil drops

  • was able to calculate mass, connected high voltage battery to the plates and observed motion of oil drops in a uniform electric field

  • by analyzing motion and allowing for air resistance, he calculated force acting on each drop and then determined charge on the drop

  • found that charged oil drops have a charge by gaining or losing an electron, therefore the charge is 1.60 × 10-19 C/e-

  • showed that a charge is not a continuous quantity, it exists only in discrete amounts

  • with Thomson’s ratio and his value of charge, it was possible to find the final mass

Rutherford’s Scattering Experiment

  • Ernest Rutherford (1871-1937) was fascinated by radioactivity

  • by 1909 he had shown that some radioactive elements emit positively charged helium ions or alpha particles

  • he observed that a beam of these particles spread out somewhat when passing through a thin sheet of mica

  • had two assistants, Hans Geiger and Ernest Marsden measure proportion of alpha particles scattered at different angles from various materials

  • shot alpha particles at gold foil and measured scattering angles

  • most of the alpha particles travelled through the foil with a deflection of a degree or less

  • the number of alpha particles deflected dropped off drastically as the scattering angle increased

  • a few alpha particles were scattered at angles greater than 140° and once in a while an alpha particle would almost bounce straight back

  • concluded that the positive charge in a gold atom must be concentrated in an incredibly tiny volume

  • Rutherford showed that the positive charge and most of the mass of an atom are contained in a radius of less than 10-14 m

  • discovered nucleus and disproved raisin bun model

Planetary Model/Nuclear/Rutherford Model

  • electrons orbit the nucleus like planets orbiting the sun

  • electrostatic attraction between positive nucleus and negative electrons provides the centripetal force that keep the electrons in their orbits

Bohr Model of the Atom

  • in 1912, Niels Bohr (1885-1962)

  • Bohr and Rutherford recognized a critical flaw in planetary model

    • experiments had shown that accelerating charges emit EMR (James Maxwell Clerk)

    • electrons are constantly accelerating so they should emit EMR

    • these waves would take from the orbiting electrons and the electrons would spiral into the nucleus in microseconds

  • Bohr, through Planck’s concept of quantized energy may provide a different solution

  • this led to the basis of spectroscopy - study of light emitted and absorbed by different materials


  • in 1814, Josef von Fraunhofer notices a number of gaps or dark lines

  • by 1859, Gustav Kirchhoff had established that gases of elements or compounds under low pressure each have a unique spectrum

  • Kirchhoff’s laws for spectra explain how temperature and pressure affect the light produced or absorbed by the material:

  1. a hot, dense material emits a continuous spectrum, without any dark or bright lines

  2. a hot gas at low pressure has an emission line spectrum with bright lines at distinct characteristic wavelengths

  3. a gas at low pressure absorbs light at the same wavelengths as the light it emits when heated, shining light through the gas produces an absorption line spectrum with dark lines that match the bright lines in the emission spectrum for the gass

Emission line spectrum - a pattern of bright lines produced by a hot gas at low pressure

Absorption line spectrum - a pattern of dark lines produced when light passes through a gas at low pressure

Spectrometer - a device for measuring the wavelengths of light in a spectrum

Bohr Model of the Atom (1913)

  • electrons can orbit nucleus only at specific distances, these distances are particular multiples of the radius of the smallest permitted orbit, therefore the orbits in an atom are quantized

  • this model only works for hydrogen

  • kinetic energy and potential energy of an electron in orbit depends on an electron’s distance from the nucleus, therefore the energy of an electron is also quantized, each orbit corresponds to a particular energy level for an electron

  • an electron can move from one energy level to another by emitting or absorbing energy equal to difference between energy levels, an electron that stays in particular orbit does not radiate energy, since size and shape of orbit remain constant along with energy of the electron, the orbits are often called stationary states

Energy level - a discrete and quantized amount of energy

Stationary state - a stable state with a fixed energy level

Principal quantum number - the quantum number that determines the size and energy of an orbit

Energy Level Transition and Line Spectra

  • Bohr model explains why absorption and emission line spectra occur

  • to jump to a higher energy level, an electron must gain energy, it can gain this energy by absorbing a photon

  • for energy to be conserved, the photon’s energy must match the change in energy between levels, therefore the atom can only absorb frequencies that correspond to the difference of energy of the atom’s energy levels

  • absorption of light at these specific frequencies causes the discrete dark lines in absorption spectra

  • atoms can also only emit photons corresponding to change in energy between levels

  • when an electron in an atom absorbs a photon, the final energy level of the atom’s electron is higher than initial energy level

  • using law of conservation of energy: Ephoton= Efinal- Einitial

Failings of Bohr Model

  • does not really explain why energy is quantized, nor why orbiting electrons don’t radiate electromagnetic energy

  • it is not accurate for atom that have two or more electrons

  • it does not explain why a magnetic field splits the main spectral lines into multiple closely spaced lines, discovered by Pieter Zeeman in 1896 - Zeeman effect

Wave Nature of Electrons

  • in 1924, Louis de Broglie developed theory that particles have wave properties

  • diffraction experiments confirmed that electrons behave like waves that have wavelengths, as predicted by de Broglie

  • the principles of interference and standing waves apply for electrons orbiting a nucleus

Quantum Indeterminacy

  • the quantum model does not have electrons orbiting at precisely defined distances from the nucleus

  • electrons behave as waves, which do not have a precise location

  • the orbitals in quantum model show the likelihood of an electron being at a given point, they are not paths that the electrons follow

  • the idea that electrons within an atom behave as waves rather than as orbiting particles explains why these electrons do not radiate electromagnetic energy continuously

The Nucleus

  • scattering experiments directed by Rutherford showed that more than 99.9% of the mass of an atom is concentrated in a nucleus that is typically only a few femto meters (10-15m) in diameter

  • in 1918, Rutherford concluded that hydrogen nucleus was a fundamental particle that is a constituent of all nuclei - protons

  • in 1920, Rutherford suggested that nuclei might also contain neutrons

  • in 1932, James Chadwick was able to isolate neutrons and determined that the mass of a neutron is about 0.1% greater than mass of a proton

Isotopes - atoms that have the same number of photons but different numbers of neutrons

Atomic mass unit is exactly 1/12 of mass of carbon-12 atom (1.66 × 10-27 kg)

Strong Nuclear Force

  • the force that binds together the protons and neutrons in a nucleus

  • very short range

  • more powerful than electrostatic force within a nucleus

  • has negligible effect on particles more than a few femtometers apart

  • acts on nucleons, does not affect electrons

Binding Energy and Mass Defect

  • removing a nucleon from a stable nucleus requires energy due to work being done to overcome strong nuclear force

  • binding energy (Eb) - the net energy required to liberate all of the protons and neutrons in a nucleus

  • Eb is the difference between the total energy of the separate nucleons and the energy of the nucleus with nucleons bound together

Eb = Enucleons - Enucleus

E = mc2

  • nuclear reactions can involve conversions between mass and energy - law of conservation of energy still applies if conversions are taken into account

  • mass defect - the difference between the sum of the masses of the separate nucleons and the mass of the nucleus

Δm = mnucleons - mnucleus

Radioactive Decay

  • Antoine Henri Becquerel (1852-1908) discovered radioactive decay in 1896 while conducting experiments with uranium

  • found that uranium emitted radiation and that a magnetic field would deflect some of this radiation

  • Marie and Pierre Curie began extensive research on radiation and discovered new radioactive elements

    • she found that intensity of radiation from uranium compounds was not affected by the other elements in the compound or by processes such as being heated, powdered or dissolved, intensity depended on the quantity of uranium

  • Rutherford and other identified 3 forms of nuclear radiation:

  1. alpha (∝) - the emission of a helium nucleus

  2. beta (β) - the emission of a high-energy electron

  3. gamma (γ) - the emission of a high-energy photon

  • three types of radiation result from different processes within nuclei

  • alpha particles typically do not penetrate much more that metal foil or a sheet of paper

  • beta particles can pass through up to 3mm or aluminum

  • gamma rays can penetrate several centimeters of lead

Conservation Laws and Radioactive Decay

  • conservation of charge - net electrical charge cannot change in a decay process, any charge in the electrical charge of the nucleus must be exactly offset by an opposite charge elsewhere in the system

  • conservation of atomic mass number - the total of the atomic mass numbers for the final products must be equal to the atomic mass number of the original nucleus, total number of nucleons remains constant

Alpha Decay

  • 1908, Rutherford showed that alpha particles are helium nuclei spontaneously emitted by unstable large nuclei

  • electromagnetic force in nuclei is repelling the outer protons and is almost as great as great as the strong nuclear force

  • a cluster of 2 protons and 2 neutrons forms a highly stable helium nucleus, these unstable large nuclei decay by emitting alpha particles rather than separate protons and neutrons

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  • parent element (X) - the original element in decay process

  • daughter element (Y) - the element produced by a decay process

Beta Decay

  • nucleus decays by emitting an electron

  • beta-negative decay - nuclear decay involving emission of an electron

    • a neutron in the nucleus transforms into a proton, electron and antineutrino

    • atomic number of the nucleus increases by 1, but atomic mass number doesn’t change

    • charge is conserved because the charge on the new proton balances the charge on the electron emitted from the nucleus (the beta particle)

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  • measurements found that most electrons emitted during beta decay had somewhat less kinetic energy than expected, and few had almost no kinetic energy

  • in 1930, Wolfgang Pauli suggested that the missing energy was carried away by a tiny, neutral particle - neutrino

  • neutrino - and extremely small neutral, subatomic particle

  • in beta-negative decay an antineutrino is released, in beta-positive decay a neutrino is released

  • neutrino and antineutrino are identical in all aspects except for their opposite spins

  • the transformation of a neutron into a proton involves the weak nuclear force

  • weak nuclear force - fundamental force that acts on electrons and neutrinos

  • beta decay involves antimatter

  • antimatter - form of matter that has a key property, such as charge, opposite to that of ordinary matter

  • beta-positive decay - nuclear decay involving emission of a positron

    • a proton transforms into a neutron and the parent nucleus emits a positron and a neutrino

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Gamma Decay

  • emission of a high-energy photon by a nucleus

  • in excited states, nucleons are farther apart, therefore their binding energy is less than when in the ground state and total energy of nucleus is greater

  • when making a transition to a lower-energy state a nucleus emits a gamma-ray photon

  • gamma decay does not change the atomic number or atomic mass number

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  • often alpha or beta decay leaves the daughter nucleus in a highly excited state

  • the excited nucleus then makes a transition to its ground state and emits a gamma ray

  • the energy of a gamma ray depends on the energy levels and the degree or excitation of the particular nucleons

  • gamma rays can have energies ranging from thousands to millions of electron volts

Stability of Isotopes

  • as atomic number increases, the isotopes require an increasing ratio of neutrons to protons in order to be stable

  • there are no completely stable isotopes with more than 83 protons

  • stable isotopes have greater binding energies than unstable isotopes

  • radioactive decay transmutes unstable nuclei into nuclei with higher binding energies

  • transmute - change into a different element

Radioactive decay series - process of successive decays that continue until it creates a stable nucleus

Radiation Types and their Effects

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Half-life (T1/2)

  • time required for one-half of the radioactive nuclei in a sample to decay

N = N0(1/2)t/t(1/2)


  • when a nucleus with an atomic mass number greater than 120 splits into smaller nuclei, they have a greater binding energy per nucleon

  • gives off energy equal to the the difference between the binding energy of the original nucleus and total binding energy of the products


  • when 2 low-mass nuclei combine to form a single nucleus with atomic mass number less than 60

  • nucleosynthesis - formation of elements by the fusion of lighter elements

  • resulting in a more tightly bound nucleus

  • fusion reaction gives off energy equal to the difference between the total binding energy of the original nuclei and the binding energy of the product

Change in energy for both fission and fusion reactions can be calculated with: ΔE = Ef - Ei

Nuclear Fission

  • often results from a free neutron colliding with a large nucleus

  • nucleus absorbs the neutron forming a highly unstable isotope that breaks up almost instantly

Cloud Chambers

  • device that uses trails of droplets of condensed vapor to show the paths of charged particles

  • contains dust-free air supersaturated with vapor from a liquid such as water or ethanol

  • vapor amount depends on temperature and pressure

  • liquid and vapor in cloud chamber are not in equilibrium and a tiny disturbance can trigger condensation of vapor into droplets or liquid

  • a charged particle speeding through the supersaturated air will ionize some molecules along its path

  • ions trigger condensation, forming a miniature cloud along trajectory of the speeding particle

  • Charles Thomson Rees Wilson made first observations of particle tracks in cloud chamber in 1910

Bubble Chamber

  • uses trail of bubbles in a superheated liquid to show the paths of charged particles

  • developed in 1952 by Donald Gleser

  • contains a liquified gas, like hydrogen, helium, propane or xenon

  • lowering pressure in the chamber lowers boiling point of liquid

  • when pressure is reduced so that the boiling point is just below the actual temperature of the liquid, ions formed by a charged particle sipping through liquid will cause it to boil

  • the particle will form a trail of tiny bubbles in its path

  • reverse process of cloud chambers, particles tracks formed by liquid turning to vapor vs. vapor turning into liquid

Neutral particles will not create tracks in a cloud or bubble chamber

Fundamental particle - a particle that cannot be divided into smaller particles, an elementary particle


  • in 1932, Carl Anderson provided the first evidence that antimatter really does exist

  • he photographed a cloud chamber track of a positron

  • quantum theory predicts that each kind of ordinary particle has a corresponding antiparticle

  • a collision between a particle and its antiparticle can annihilate both particles and create a pair of high-energy gamma-ray photons travelling in opposite directions

e+ + e- —> 2γ

Annihilate - convert entirely into energy

Quantum Field Theory

  • a field theory developed using both quantum mechanics and relativity theory

  • mediating particles are the mechanics by which the fundamental forces act over the distance between particles

  • particles that mediate a force exist for such a brief time that they cannot be observed

  • mediating particle - a virtual particle that carries one of the fundamental forces

  • virtual particle - a particle that exists for such a short time that it is not detectable, for these particles, energy, momentum and mass are not related as they are for real particles

  • concept of mediating particles was first applied to electromagnetic force in quantum electrodynamics theory

  • quantum electrodynamics - quantum field theory dealing with the interactions of electromagnetic fields, charged particles and photons

    • theory states that virtual photons exchanged between particles are the carriers of the attractive or repulsive force between the particles

Mediating Particles

  • by 1970, research led physicists to suggest that strong nuclear force is mediated by zero-mass particles called gluons

  • gluon - mediating particles for the strong nuclear force, there is indirect evidence for their existence

  • weak nuclear force is mediated by 3 particles: W+, W-, Z0, detected in 1983

  • graviton - the hypothetical mediating particle for the gravitational force

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Primary cosmic rays - high-energy particles that flow from space into Earth’s atmosphere

Secondary cosmic rays - the shower of particles created by collisions between primary cosmic rays and atoms in the atmosphere

Muon - an unstable subatomic particle having many of the properties of an electron but a mass 207x greater

Pion - an unstable subatomic particle with a mass roughly 270x greater than that of an electron, much less stable than muons and have some properties unlike those of electrons, protons and neutrons

2 separate families of particles:

Leptons - subatomic particle that does not interact via the strong nuclear force, much smaller diameter than hadrons

Hadrons - subatomic particle that does interact via the strong nuclear force, 2 subgroups of hadrons:

  1. Mesons - a hadron with an integer spin

  2. Baryons - a hadron with a half-integer spin

Spin - a key quantum property resembling rotational angular momentum, can either be an integer or half-integer multiple of Planck’s constant divided by 2π, can affect the interactions and energy levels of particles

Fermions - particle with half-integer spin

Boson - particle with integer spin

Leptons and baryons are fermions

Mesons and mediating particles are bosons

The Quark Model

  • in 1963, Murray Gell-Mann and George Zweig proposed that all hadrons are composed of simpler particles - quarks

  • quarks - any of the group of fundamental particles in hadrons

  • they showed that all the hadrons known could be made from just three smaller particles and their antiparticles (up quark, down quark, strange quark)

  • this theory required that quarks have fractional charges that are either -1/3 or +2/3

  • quark model accurately predicted key aspects of electron-positron interactions

  • pattern of scattered electrons in an experiment in 1967, suggested that the mass and charge of a photon are concentrated in three centers within the proton

  • in quark model, protons and neutrons contain only up and down quarks

  • strange quark accounts for the properties of strange particles —> hadrons that decay via the weak nuclear force even though they originate from and decay into particles that can interact via the strong nuclear force

  • 1974 charm quark, 1977 bottom quark, 1995 top quark

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  • individual quarks probably cannot be observed

  • the energy required to separate quarks is large enough to create new quarks or antiquarks that bind to the quark being separated before it can be observed on its own

Composition of Protons and Neutrons

  • protons and neutrons contain only first-generation quarks

  • protons consist of a down quark and two up quarks

  • neutrons consist of two down quarks and one up quark

Composition of Other Hadrons

  • all of the hadrons discovered in the 20th century can be accounted for with a combination of either two or three quarks

  • all the mesons consist of a quark and an antiquark

  • all the baryons consist of three quarks

  • all the antibaryons consist of three quarks

  • experiments in 2003 produced strong evidence that the theta particle consists of 5 quarks

Beta Decay Using Quarks and Leptons

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  • physicists think that the down quark emits a virtual W- particle (a mediator for the weak force) that then decays into an electrons and antineutrino

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  • similarly in beta-positive decay, an up quark of a proton turns into a down quark

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The Standard Model

  • the current theory describing the nature of matter and the fundamental forces

  • all matter is composed of 12 fundamental particles, the 6 leptons and 6 quarks and their antiparticles

  • the electromagnetic force and the weak nuclear force are all both aspects of a single fundamental force - theory of electro weak force, it predicted existence and masses W+, W-, Z0 particles

  • the electromagnetic and nuclear forces are mediated by virtual particles; the photon, gluon, W+, W-, and Z0 particles

  • all quarks have quantum property termed color, which determines how the strong nuclear force acts between quarks

  • the quantum field theory describing the strong nuclear force in this way is called quantum chromodynamics

  • quantum chromodynamics - quantum field theory that describes the strong nuclear force in terms of quantum color

Atomic and Nuclear Physics Notes | Knowt (2024)
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