Wali ma badbaadin karaa guurkayga 23 sano ah? [Hagaha la cusboonaysiiyay] (2024)

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Wali ma badbaadin karaa guurkayga 23 sano ah? [Hagaha la cusboonaysiiyay] (1)Hi I’m coach Corey Wayne and this is my article coaching newsletter and the topic of this newsletter is going to be can my 23 year marriage be saved well one of the things that I love about what I do is I often get to work with couples or men in most cases who are having problems either wife is talking about divorce or maybe there’s a trial they’re just kind of separate at this point he’s moved out or she’s moved out she’s dating other people but there’s they’re obviously still talking or it’s things are really shaky she’s unsure she doesn’t know where the future is gonna go but what I love most about it is especially like where there’s kids involved and like over the course of several weeks or a couple of months to help a guy understand how he needs to show up as a man in the relationship how he needs to be the leader in the relationship teaching him how to communicate with his girlfriend or wife effectively getting enable him to open her up emotionally so the bond can start to reform and also helping them get back to courting and dating her properly so they get back to each other’s brains out and having a great sex life as opposed to having sex maybe once a month and it’s just really rewarding because especially when they got young kids because if you can help him save that marriage and you teach him how to show up as a man and he gets his wife to be completely or his live-in girlfriend be completely head-over-heels in love with him like they once were and they want to start having kids again it’s just – for me personally it’s very rewarding and I love the fact that I could talk to a guy in a matter of just a few minutes and know exactly what’s going on sideways in a situation and how he needs to modify his behavior which is more naturally in line with how a man is supposed to act anyways and then see the progress because not only are you improving the quality of his life but you’re improving the quality of the woman’s life and you’re also giving the helping them give their kids an example of how mom and dad have a really healthy relationship so when they grow up they have some being healthy to model as opposed to going through a divorce or having a dysfunctional relationship and then the kids grow up and then they just go ahead and they repeat the same kinds of mistakes that the parents make it’s just some of the things I really love about what I do and so I got a quote that I would like to share along those lines before I get in this email from this guy and it says couples who play together tend to stay together 99.99% of the time when women back away lose interest or start talking about divorce and breaking up it is due to the fact that at some point in the relationship the men stopped courting dating or communicating the way they did in the beginning of the relationship that caused the women to fall in love with them in the first place the only way to salvage failing relationships is to communicate effectively and restart the courtship as if it was a brand new relationship and relationships men don’t get any points for what they did right in the past only what they do now going forward so let’s get in this guy’s email he says hi coach I’ve been perusal your YouTube articles and I really appreciate them my problem is that with my wife I wasn’t there emotionally was a supportive protective and almost every one of her needs were not met so she asked me to leave this past May first since then she has had contact with a male friend in another state she did go see him for the weekend and you know what happened next yeah because what happened was you weren’t courting her and communicating with her I am 45 and I left my home at 18 and I’ve been back for a total of one and a half years to visit and I lived there for six months.

Wali ma badbaadin karaa guurkayga 23 sano ah? [Hagaha la cusboonaysiiyay] (2)

Sidee ku ogaan kartaa in guurku uu mudan yahay in loo dagaalamo?

15 calaamadood oo guurkaagu mudan yahay in la badbaadiyo

  1. Waxaad haysataa fikrado labaad.
  2. Wax walba waxay bilowdeen markii aad carruur lahayd.
  3. Wali waxaad qiimaysaa xurmada guurka.
  4. Weli waxaad rabtaa inaad ka shaqeyso guurkaaga.
  5. Ma sawiran kartid noloshaada la'aanteed xaaskaaga.
  6. Dhibaatooyinkaagu runtii maaha kuwo ku saabsan xidhiidhkaaga.
  7. Wali waad jeceshahay qofka.

Source: https://www.marriage.com/advice/save-your-marriage/here-are-the-signs-your-marriage-is-worth-saving/

Hagaag, aad u fiican inaad qirato inaad u baahan tahay inaad wax ka beddesho noloshaada xiriirkaaga haddii aad wax rajo ah ka qabtid inaad wax ka beddesho sababtoo ah rag badan ma rabaan inay qirtaan taas ama qaataan mas'uuliyad kasta oo iyaga u gaar ah. ilaa ay goori goor tahay, ilaa ay iyadu hore ula soo degtay nin kale, ka guurtay, ama aad ka heshay furiinkaada. Waxa uu yiri waxaan u sheegay in aan cafin karo oo aan ilaawi karo hadii la joogo ay farxad galiso in ay bilowday in ay wax yar la hadasho ninka kale balse wali waxaa jira xiriir ka dhaxeeya iyaga waxa ay ii sheegtay in ay daneyso oo ay i jeceshahay iyada kaliya. jacayl aan i qabin markaa waxa dhacay si tartiib tartiib ah ayey uga baxaysaa jacayl muddo ka dib oo ay u badan tahay in ay ka hadasho waxay ka caban jirtay waxyaabo isku mid ah marar badan oo ay caddahay inaadan garanayn wax aad raadiso oo ka yimaadda nuucyada iftiinka Isku xidhka waxaan ku idhaahdaa marar badan, taasi waa waxa aad u baahan tahay inaad ku soo noqoto, oo sida cad, waxaad bilaabaysaa inaad halkaas gaadho, laakiin tani waa farshaxan ka badan inta ay tahay cilmi-baaris, sidaas darteed waa wax loo baahan yahay. ku celcelin waayo mar mar baad ciddi doontaa, madaxa ayaad ciddida ku dhufanaysaa, marna in yar ayaad seegaysaa, markaa waxa aad kala kulmi doontaa dib u dhac, gaar ahaan ragga dhibka haysta.

Wali ma badbaadin karaa guurkayga 23 sano ah? [Hagaha la cusboonaysiiyay] (3)

Guur mudda dheer ma la badbaadin karaa?

Guurka dhibka badan mar walba macnaheedu ma aha guur guuldarraystay.

  • Xataa guurka ugu wanaagsan wuxuu la kulmi doonaa dhibaato guurka mar mar.
  • Xaalado badan, arrimuhu waa la xallin karaa ilaa inta labada lammaane ay rabaan.
  • Taasi waxay tidhi, qaar ka mid ah kuwa jebiya heshiisyada waaweyn waxay riixaan guuryo badan oo dhaafay barta dib u heshiisiinta.

Source: https://www.talkspace.com/blog/how-to-save-your-marriage/

Waad ogtihiin in ay gabadh kuu shukaansiiyaan muddo dheer balse waligeed ma gaadhin in ay is jeclaato markaas ayay tidhi markaasuu yidhi waan ogahay in ay dhibayso iyaduna la talin ma samaynayso ilaa ay go'aan ka gaadho waxay rabtaa inay tan ka shaqeyso haa, way ku adag tahay sababtaas awgeed waxa ugu fiican ee aad samayn karto ayaa ah inaad la kulanto, madadaalo, xidho." Ha kuu soo noqoto, waayo, aakhirkii, waa tii ku soo cayrisay; waa tii ku soo riixday; waa tii tidhi, waxaan rabaa inaad guurto; waxaan rabaa furriin,”
sidaas darteed waxa ugu fiican ee aad samayn karto waa in aad naftaada ka shaqeyso, diirada saarto yoolalkaaga, oo raac riyadaada. get back to going the gym taking care of your body show that you love yourself by taking care of yourself not because you’re doing it for her but because you’re doing it for you he says I know you said he says I could use some advices just being here and listening to her and taking her out enough yeah I mean cuz think about it how did your relationship start in the first place you liked her she liked you you made a date you went out on a date you both talked hopefully I would assume she did probably more of the talking and you were able to remain mysterious and I mean that’s typically what happens and obviously at some point usually within the first two to three dates I mean most women sleep with a guy by the second or third date so you start out casually going out once a week hanging out having fun and at some point hooking up and as you let the woman come to you she starts calling and texting you and messaging you more and more and the right thing to do is to assume that if she’s reaching out to you oh she must want to see me she wants me why well cuz all women want me that’s the best place to come from focusing on breaking up or divorce or it’s not gonna work out that’s not going to help your situation you should just look at it because she’s the one that booted you out of her life let her come back to you because when you walk and you never look back and you move on with your life and you take care of yourself but you leave the door open because in this particular case this guy loves her and he wants her back and he admits that it was the way he showed up that drove her away and the first place in essence into the arms of another guy so it’s slowly hanging out having fun and hooking up you don’t need to talk about relationships you don’t need to talk about getting back together just have fun with her because when she gets to the point where she falls in love and like you’re already starting to see is she’s starting to back away a little bit from this other guy and kind of put him off a little bit cuz he wants to come visit her and she’s like wait a minute I’m not sure you know and so more than likely this other guy is starting to pursue and you know in your particular case I think you said you’d been with this this girl like 20 23 years you have a much better chance of getting her back because you’ve got a lot of time with this girl so she has a strong emotional bond and connection with you because when you’ve been with somebody for a couple of decades like that that’s not just something you just throw out like like the trash or the morning newspaper when you’re done reading it and so if the other guys chasing and pursuing here and you’re just hanging it back letting her reach out to you and when she reaches out to you use assume it’s kind of like the little button that pops up on the turkey when it’s done at Thanksgiving time it’s kind of the same way with the phone call or the message oh she must want to see me make a date to hang out have fun hook up and as few steps as possible and it’s just like you gotta imagine like with a quote that I share with you it’s as if everything there’s a whole twenty some plus years of you guys were together it’s irrelevant because the only thing that matters is what you’re doing today because that’s where her emotions are and her level of feeling and her level of attraction for you isn’t at that particular moment and so it’s not like a light switch she’s not gonna fall in love with you and blow every other potential male replacement suitor that she has for you off it’s the kind of thing where you allow her to come to you and as her interest in attraction level for you starts to go back up she starts putting off these other guys and being flaky and being unsure with them and she starts calling you and reaching out to you more and more and so it might be you see since you’re starting out you’re seeing her maybe once every couple of weeks and then it gets to once a week and then it gets to twice a week and then three times a week and then four times a week and then it’s the point after a few months depending on how much you do right versus how much you do wrong when she gets to the point where she’s completely gonzo and head over heels in love we should be like she was a giddy little 16 year old girl like when you first started dating and it’s beautiful to see there’s nothing more beautiful I found when you’re dating woman who’s completely gonzo over you and she’s in love with you they just become more sexy they become more attractive because they’re so happy and they want to be with you it’s just it’s a gift it’s a gift in life but like I said it’s not something you can rush it’s not something you could force because now what you’re doing is you’re allowing her to reach out to you she’s coming back to you at her pace as her level of attraction for you grows he says like if she just is just being there he says so do I tell her and I’ve asked for her to stop talking and texting him until we sort us out but she had got so he’s asked her to stop talking this other guy and she hasn’t and you really don’t have a right because she broke up with you you moved out your relationship was over in her and her mind you weren’t together and so she’s got other guys she’s dating and she’s asking you assuming that you’re probably dating other women which that’s a good thing that shows that she’s concerned that maybe in the back of her mind she’s thinking that she may lose you to another girl he says I really don’t want to divorce her but now after almost two months of looking outside the box if being with me is that much torture I asked her why do we do these little trips and stuff again you’re complicating the process cuz you’re focused on the relationship and what the label is that the two of you are forget let her do whatever the she wants with whoever she wants it’s really none of your business Hang out, have fun, hook up, but just keep focusing on that.

Wali ma badbaadin karaa guurkayga 23 sano ah? [Hagaha la cusboonaysiiyay] (4)

Goorma ayay tahay inaad guursato?

10 Calaamadood oo Guurkaagu dhamaaday

  1. Keenista khaladaadkii hore. Adiga ama saygaaga/xaaskaaga waxaad si joogto ah u tixraacaysaan dhacdooyin dhaawac leh oo hore, oo keena doodo hore.
  2. ixtiraam la'aan. …
  3. Yoolalka …
  4. Taageero la'aan. ...
  5. Isgaarsiin la'aan. ...
  6. Xidhiidhka jireed oo yaraada. …
  7. In lagu dagaalamo waxyaabo yaryar. …
  8. Stonewalling.

Source: https://www.familyeducation.com/family-life/divorce/10-signs-your-marriage-over

Markay gaadho heer ay diyaar u tahay inay kuu heellan tahay, way soo qaadi doontaa.

  • Way iska caddahay sababtoo ah way kugu dhan tahay oo waxay qarxinaysaa telefoonkaaga laba ama saddex jeer maalintii.
  • Markaa samee waxaad samaynayso.
  • Ka shaqee isgaarsiinta.

Waa in aad heshaa in badan oo ay sheekaysanayso oo aad halkaa gaadhayso. waan kula hadli doonaa dhawaan

Dadku sidoo kale Way Weydiiyaan - đź’¬

âť“ Suurtagal ma tahay in guurka la badbaadiyo?

Badbaadinta guurka kuma koobna oo keliya lamaanaha ay la kulmaan naxdinta waaweyn sida gaalnimada ama beenta halista ah. Arrimuhu si tartiib tartiib ah ayey u xumaan karaan waqti ka dib waxayna ka tagi karaan laba qof oo qarka u saaran furiinka…
Waxyaabaha firfircoon ee la sameeyo marka la isku dayayo in la badbaadiyo guurka (ama mid caafimaad qaba!) waa wada xiriir.

âť“ Sidee ku ogaan kartaa in guurkaagu aanu badbaadin karin?

Taabasho la'aanta waa mid ka mid ah calaamadaha ugu waaweyn ee aan lagu badbaadin karin guurka, waxaana hubaal ah in ay jirto dhibaato jannadaada. 2. Waxaad lumisay ixtiraam Mid ka mid ah calamadaha guurkaagu aanu badbaadin karin waa ixtiraamka xaaskaaga. Qof kastaa wuu qaldami karaa, wuu hagaajin karaa oo wuu dhaqaaqi karaa. Mararka qaarkood arrimuhu waxay sababaan inuu lumiyo ixtiraamka lammaanaha kale.

âť“ Daawaynta lamaanaha ma badbaadin karaan guurkaaga?

Daaweynta lammaanaha ayaa aad ugu guuleysata badbaadinta guurkaas. Haddii aad ka welwelsan tahay inaadan ka heli karin ama aadan awoodin la-taliye guur wanaagsan oo degaankaaga ah, ReGain ayaa ku caawin karta. Regain waa adeeg latalin online ah oo leh daaweeyayaal shati leh oo gobolkaaga jooga kuwaas oo khabiir ku ah daawaynta lamaanaha.

âť“ Guurkiina weli ma leeyahay tallaal?

Halkan waxaa ah calaamado muujinaya in guurkaagu uu weli leeyahay tallaal. 1 Waad ogtahay inaadan ahayn xaaska saxda ah. Ha werwerin, tani waa shay wanaagsan sida ay sheegtay Amy Spencer, oo ah qoraaga La kulanka Your Half-orange iyo khabiir farxadeed oo diiradda saaray sida beddelka aragtidaada ay u beddeli karto noloshaada.

Wali ma badbaadin karaa guurkayga 23 sano ah? [Hagaha la cusboonaysiiyay] (5)


  • "Daawaynta Furriinka: Barnaamijka 7-tilaabo ee la xaqiijiyay ee lagu badbaadinayo guurkaaga" Michele Weiner Davis - Simon & Schuster, 2002
  • "The Love Dare, Day by Day: A Year of Devotions for Couples" by Stephen Kendrick, Alex Kendrick - B & H Publishing Group, 2009 Haddii aad u baahan tahay inaad ogaato sababta, dib ugu noqo hordhaca buugan. Haddii Ilaahay uu mucjisooyin ku samayn karo daqiiqado gudahood, waxa hubaal ah inuu mucjiso ku samayn karo guurkaaga 30 maalmood gudahood. Can (eeg buuga) laga soo qaatay WWW.Com” ee uu qoray Donnie Neal, Latoya Neal – Lulu.com, 2016 Aan ku celiyo mar kale, ma aha qaladkaaga in furriinkaagu dhacay. Waxaad isku dayday wax kasta oo aad awoodid si aad guurka u badbaadiso, waxaad samaysay dadaal kugu filan, waxaadna samaysay wax kasta oo aad kari karto si aad u sii wado guurka. Waxaa qoray Liyana Musfirah – Iman Publication Sdn Bhd, 2020
  • "Guurka Qaawan: Labiska runta ku saabsan galmada, isu soo dhawaanshaha iyo jacaylka nolosha oo dhan" by Dave Willis, Ashley Willis - MarriageToday, 2019

Maqaallo la xidhiidha:

  1. Guurkooda ma la badbaadin karaa?
  2. Guur kasta waa la badbaadin karaa
  3. Guurka Ma la Badbaadin Karaa Xiriirka Ka Dib?
  4. Guurka ma la badbaadin karaa haddii hal qof uun rabo?
  5. Guurkan ma la badbaadin karaa?! (W/ @Storymodebae)
  6. Kedis: Guurkan wali ma la badbaadin karaa?
Wali ma badbaadin karaa guurkayga 23 sano ah? [Hagaha la cusboonaysiiyay] (2024)
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Name: Jamar Nader

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Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.