This Day, June 25, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L – All #ourCOG News (2024)


615:On three dates that the revolt began in Jerusalem again Khosrau II, the PersianShah who was “was the last great king of the Sasanian Empire.”

750:Today Abdullah ibn Ali marched to Antipartiswhich is modern day Israel and massacred “80 members of the of Umayyaddynasty” with whom his clan, the Abbasids were at war with.”

1080:The Antipope Clement III who “protested strongly when Emperor Henry IVpermitted Jews who had become converted to Christianity during the anti-Jewishriots of the First Crusade to revert to Judaism” began his papacy today.

1218:Simon de Montfort, 5th Earl of Leicester, who expelled the Jews from Leicester,died.

1221Although the Archbishop of Canterbury forbade anti-Jewish riots in Erfurt,Germany, they continued unabated. A group of religious 'pilgrims' on their wayto the Holy Land attacked the Jewish quarter burning two synagogues. Some 26Jews were killed and others threw themselves into the fire rather than beforcibly converted.

1240: In Paris, acommission that was making an inquiry into the nature of the Talmud with aspecific interest in alleged derogatory comments about Jesus began itsdeliberation.

1240: “A publicdisputation” opened at the Court of Louis IX in the presence of Queen-MotherBlanche between Parisian Talmudist Rabbi Yechiel and Nicholas Donin, anapostate who wanted all copies of the Talmud to be burned. (He would get his way in 1244 when 24cartloads of the sacred text were burned)

1477: At Ferrara, Italy,Abraham die Tintori completed printing Tur Yorch De’ah a work of halacha byJacob ben Asher. Born in Cologne in 1269 he was known as the Ba’al ha-Turim,the Master of the Rows. His works were divided in four turim or rows. The term probably comes from the tur or rowof Jewels on the breastplate of the High Priest described in the Torah. According to sketchy information he lived inChios, Greece before arriving at Toledo where he reportedly passed away in1343.

1539: Joachim II Hector,Elector of Brandenburg acceded to the request of Josel von Rosheim and allowedthe Jews to “settle in Margraviate again.

1608: Today Mattias, whoacceded to the wishes of the Dutch and “established religious peace” in theirprovinces which helped to turn the Netherlands into a place of refuge for theJews fleeing Spain and Portugal, became Archduke of Austria and King of Hungaryand Croatia.

1629: Rabbi Yom Tov Lipman Heller set out forVienna to face baseless accusations that he had abused his powers as ChiefRabbi of Prague when raising funds demanded by the government to help pay forfighting the Thirty Years War.

1644:Lope de Vera (Judah the Believer) was drawn to Judaism by the outrages of theInquisition. He converted, and during his confinement in prison, he circumcisedhimself with a bone. He was then burned for refusing to yield to theInquisition.

1656:Rabbi Menashe Ben Yisrael applied for official permission to practice Judaismin England. The Council of State granted permission. This took place during theperiod when Oliver Cromwell was in effect the ruler of England. Cromwell andhis followers were devout Christians. The agreed to the readmission of the Jewsto England because it was pointed out to them that the Second Coming could nottake place until Jews populated all parts of the world.

1756:Provincial Governor Sir Charles Hardy confirms the last will and testament ofAbraham Mendes Seixas. The will had been translated from Portuguese intoEnglish.

1762:New York native Abraham Mendes Seixas and Richea Hart, who were married atCharleston in 1777 gave birth to Rachel Sixas

1784:The Jewish Benevolent Society of South Carolina, the oldest Jewish charitableorganization in the United States, was founded today.

1788:Virginia ratified the U.S. Constitution making it the tenth state to enter theUnion. Virginia was of the states thathad purged itself of religious qualifications prior to joining the newrepublic. In 1784 James Madison led theforces that defeated a move to make Christianity the official religion ofVirginia. In 1786, Jefferson and Madisonjoined forces “to secure passage of a law which removed religiousdiscrimination in Virginia.

1791:In London, Michael and Judith Samson gave birth to Benjamin Samson who wouldnot survive to celebrate his first birthday.

1800:Jacob Hyam Nathan married Polly Isaacs at the Great Synagogue in the UK.

1801(14thof Tammuz, 5561): Eighty-seven-year-old Rebecca de Lucena, the New York borndaughter of Abraham Haim de Lucena and the wife of Mordecai Gomez passed awaytoday.

1807:Mr. R.J. Ricardo and Miss Sarah Hyams, both of Charleston, SC, were marriedthis evening.

1827:Protestant theologian Johann Gottfried Eichorn who “has been called ‘thefounder of modern Old Testament criticism’” passed away today.

1827(30thof Sivan, 5587): Rosh Chodesh Tammuz

1827(30thof Sivan, 5587): Lizar Joseph who was born at Mannheim, Germany in 1762 and whowas the husband of Sarah Judah and the father of Jacob Judah Joseph passed awaytoday in Georgetown, SC after which he was buried in Beth Elohim Cemetery inGerogetown.

1828:Jones Spyer married Grace Josephs at the Great Synagogue in the UK.

1831(14thof Tammuz, 5591): Parashat Balak

1831(14thof Tammuz, 5591): Eighty-four-year-old Rebecca Mendes Phillips, the Reading, PAborn daughter of David Mendez Machado and Zipporah Nunez and the wife JonasPhillips who later became “one of the founding members of the FemaleAssociation for Relief of Women and Children in Reduced Circ*mstance” and a“director of the Female Benevolent Society, the first Jewish charity in Americaunrelated to a synagogue” passed away today.

1834:Frederick Hart married Rebecca Hart at the Great Synagogue in the UK.

1836:Birthdate of German-Jewish poet Friederike Kempner,

1837:In Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany Leopold Hirsch and the former Therese Wormsergave birth to Samuel “Saul” Hirsch, the husband of Serette Hirsch with whom hehad four children – Leah, Stella, Leopold and Adam” and who settled in Memphis,TN.

1839:Birthdate of William Myers, a resident of the United Kingdom.

1840:In Bavaria, Abraham Michelbacher, the German born son of Jakob and AdelheidMichelbacher, and his wife Sophie gave birth to Gabriel Michelbacher, the “husbandof Sara Michelbacher and father of Adele Heinemann’

1844:The Jews of Mobile, Alabama, who had been meeting in private homes for the lastthree years formed a congregation that adopted a constitution and by-laws andtitled itself "Sha'arai Shomayim U-Maskil El Dol," which is Hebrewfor "Congregation of the Gates of Heaven and Society of the Friends of theNeedy." Within a year the congregation hired its first rabbi – Benjamin daSilva – and had its first home on St. Emanuel Street.

1846(1stof Tammuz, 5605): Rosh Chodesh Tammuz

1847:In The Netherlands, Ravel Beer Jacobs, the Groningen born “Son of Simon JacobJacobs and Marianne Abraham Hamming / Hammo” and his wife Diena Jacobs gavebirth to Abraham Jacobs the husband of Lijda Polak and the “ather of Ravel BeerJacobs; Emilia Jacobs; Siemon Jacobs; Dina Norden; Henriette Hartog; andMarianne Jacobs.

1850:Following the British blockade of the port of Piraeus as part of the responseto Greece’s abuse of David Pacifico, Foreign Minister Lord Palmerston who haddefended this “man of Jewish persuasion” today “made a celebrated speech (June25, 1850) which concluded that all British subjects ought to be able to say, asdid citizens of ancient Rome, "Civis Romanus sum" ("I am acitizen of Rome"), and thereby receive protection from the Britishgovernment.”

1851:Adolphus Simeon Solomons who “was a moving force in helping to establish theAmerican Red Cross” “married Rachel Seixas Phillips, a descendant of colonialpatriot families. They had eight daughters and a son.”

1852:Three days after he passed away, 26 year old Leo Meyer was buried today at theLauriston Road Jewish Cemetery.

1856:“The Way they treat the Jew in England” published today reports that “Thestatesman who undertakes in England to bring forward a measure for theadmission of the Jews to the same rights and privileges enjoyed by othercitizens of that country, simply dooms himself to the Sisyphean labor ofrolling up each year to the House of Lords a measure which is quietly rolledhack again.”

1857:At Berirth Shalom Congregation, Rabbi Jacobs officiated at the wedding of Mr.Iszair and Miss Ann Mintz.

1858:“The Jew Bill in Parliament – Prospect of a Concession” published today spokeapprovingly of a compromise proposed by Lord Lucan. His compromise would allow the Lords and theCommons to each adopt their own wording for the Oath of Office to be used bythose members who, for religious or other reasons, could not use the currentform of the oath. In effect, Lord Lucan’s compromise would permit either thetwo Houses of Parliament to admit Jews by resolution. Since the Commons favors the admission of Jewsand the Lords opposes their right to sit in Parliament, Lucan’s compromisewould get the supporters of the “Jew Bill” half way to their destination. The compromise was withdrawn because themembers of the Commons objected to it.If they had not, it appears that sufficient numbers of the Lords wouldhave voted for it even though they object to Jews serving in either house ofthe English legislature.

1860:Cecilia E. Levy and Israel Cohen who were married in 1859 gave birth to JoshuaI. Cohen.

1861(17thof Tammuz, 5621): Tzom Tammuz

1861:Thirty-eight-year-old Abdülmecid I, the 31st Sultan of the OttomanEmpire passed away. The Sultan carried out reforms begun by his fathers whichamong other things allowed Jews to assume positions of importance as can beseen by the appoint of Dr. Spitzer to serve as the representative at Naples. This progress was marred by “accusations ofthe blood libel in Syria and Rhodes which were part of the Ottoman Empire.

1862:Joel Solomon married Matilda Hart today in the UK.

1864:Charles I began his reign as the king of Württemberg during which he bought onthe wooden models of the Temple Mount created by Conrad Schick, the “Germanarchitect, archaeologist and Protestant missionary who settled in Jerusalem inOctober of 1846. Schick “designed theMea Shearim neighborhood” and his home, Tabor House “is today considered one ofJerusalem’s most beautiful buildings.” (Moshe Gilad)

1865:Birthdate of Julius Hess the native of Lithuania who served as a rabbi forseveral Midwestern congregations while living in St. Louis which was hisfamily’s home.

1866:Charles and Johanna Wessolowsky gave birth to Julius M. Wessolowsky.

1870(26thof Sivan, 5630): Parashat Sh’lach

1870(26thof Sivan, 5630): Thirty-five-year-old Sarah Cecilia Florance Rodrigues Brandonthe New Orleans born daughter of Heny and Mary Levy Florance and the wife ofJudge Joseph Rodrigues Brandon, a Grandee of the San Francisco Jewish communitywhom she had had married in 1854 and with whom she “sailed around the Horn” in1855 after which she had five children – Mary, Edith, Nina, Alfred and Julian –passed away today in San Francisco, after which she was buried at the Hills ofEternity Memorial Pak in Colma, CA.

1870:Birthdate of Helena Rubinstein, one of the creators of the American cosmeticsindustry.

1871:The Jewish Messenger complained thatwhile there were a number of wealthy Jews in America who were “good men andtrue” they seemed to be more interested in making money than they were intaking part in projects to promote the civic good. The Messenger compared the behavior of theAmericans with that of their European counter-parts who were “prominent in allpublic matter – whether to relieve the poor or honor the rich; to rect a statueto the living or a monument to the dead.”

1872:In Detroit, Joseph and Rebecca Lipsitz gave birth to Tyler, TX resident andEastman College banker and lumber merchant Louis Lipsitz, the founder of “Harris-LipsitzCompany, which sold dry goods in Dallas and Harris-Lipsitz Lumber Company and anofficer of The Provident Loan Society ad the American Exchange National Bank ofDallas ho was a member of I.O.B.B. and Temple Emanu El in Dallas.

1872:In New York Isidor Straus and the former Rosalie Ida Blun gave birth to JesseI. Straus, the Macy’s executive and husband of Irma Nathan who “served as theAmerican Ambassador to France from 1933 to 1936.”

1873:In St. Louis, MO, Charles Bienenstok and Sarah Davis gave birth to Montefiore Bienenstok,a reporter for the St. Louis Star and editor of The Owl and the author of“short accounts about the Jews of St. Louis” as well as a novel on a Jewishtheme who also served as “Assistant Secretary of the Jewish Charitable andEducational Union, Manager of the Free Employment Bureau of the United JewishCharities and Secretary of the Home for Aged and Infirm Israelites.”

1875: In Gutenberg, Germany, Isidor Straus andRosalie Ida Blun gave birth to Jesse Isidor Straus, scion of the famous Strausdepartment store family who served as FDR’s first Ambassador to France in 1933.

1875: According to a reportpublished today there are more Jews living in London today than living inPalestine.

1875: The Jewish Messenger lamented the lack ofinvolvement by “Israelite” men in the affairs of the community, especially whenit came to better of civic activity and attempts to improve the lot of the lessfortunate. The paper feels that Jewishmen are “good men and true” who are willing to contribute their money to worthycauses. But they are apparently too busyamassing wealth to give of themselves and their time. This is the opposite of the case in Europewhere wealthy Jews give both their time and money to causes that benefit boththe Jewish community and the general society as well.

1876: The Home and ForeignEvents column published today reported that"nine Jewish ministers ofthis City have united to call the attention of their people to the 'growingevil or extravagance and displays at funerals." They suggest areturn 'the simplicity by which Jewish funerals were formerly characterized,'and that costly caskets and expensive floral displays be dispensed with.

1876: George Geiger, aJewish Sergeant from Cincinnati fought with distinction at the Battle of theLittle Big Horn today. According to thecommendation he received for the Medal of Honor. "With 3 comrades duringthe entire engagement courageously held a position that secured water for thecommand"

1876: The Home and ForeignEvents column published today reported that "The Jews of Khiva, it issaid, observe very strictly the feasts and ceremonies of the Jewishreligion." [Khiva is a city in Uzbekistan.]

1876: “Justice in Persia”published today contained examples of the lack of Justice available to theresidents of this ancient country including a Jewish silversmith in Isfahanwhose house “had been broken into and plundered by servants of the Governor” claimingthat they were going to take him “before the Prince to answer a case in which aPersian” claimed he was really owed this money.”

1879:In Charleston, SC, Rabbi David Levy officiated at the wedding of Frances E.Goldsmith and Rabbi E.S. Levy of Augusta, GA. (David Levy and E.S. Levy wouldserve as visiting rabbis for the congregation in Sumter, SC which could notafford a full time clergyman).

1881:“Paris and Politics” published today described a benefit in the French capitalsponsored by Baroness Rothschild to raise funds for the suffering “Israelitesof Kiev and Elizabethgrad.” Russia.

1882:During today’s session of the hearing investigating the sanity of SamuelObrieght, his brother Dr. Max, L. Obreight described half dozen attempts bySamuel to commit suicide including taking strychnine, attempting to jump overNiagara Falls and trying to cut his throat.Obreight’s family did not move to commit him until he jilted his Jewishfiancée and married a young Christian girl whom he had just met.

1882:In Elizabeth, NJ, founding of Congregation B’nai Israel which holds services atnine o’clock on Saturday morning, uses the Nak Lane Cemetery in ClintonTownship and is home to both the Young Men’s Hebrew Association and the ladiesauxiliary called the Daughters of Israel.

1883:Mayor Nathan Barnet got into a scuffle with a Republican Alderman at tonight’smeeting of the Aldermanic License Committee in Paterson, NJ. Barnet, a Jew bornin Pozen is a Democrat won election in April of 1883.

1884:Birthdate of Romania native Marcus Elie Ravage who “at the age of 16 came toNew York’s Lower East Side and worked as a peddler, bartender and in asweatshop as he struggled to learn English in night school” after he went on toa career as an author whose seminal work was the autobiographical AnAmerican in the Making.

1884:In Syracuse, NY, Hyman and Elizabeth Gaba gave birth to University of Chicagotrained mathematician and professor of mathematics at the University ofNebraska, Dr. Meyer Grupp, the husband of Bertha Davis Meyers and member ofTemple B’nai Jeshurun in Lincoln, Nebraska.

1884:Birthdate of British novelist of Gilbert Cannan who was a friend and patron ofMark Gertler and the subject of his “Gilbert Cannan at his Mill.”

1884:“Jew-Baiting in Russia” published today described an attack by Christians onthe Jews of Nizhnee-Novogrod after reports that a Jew had kidnapped a Christianchild and taken it to the local synagogue. An untold number of Jews wereinjured in this latest version of the blood libel and nine were murdered.

1884:In Germany, “Herman and Rosa Frandenfelder Badman gave birth to TheodoreBadman, the Eton educated “real estate and insurance agent’ who was active inthe Democratic Party and “President of the Manhattan Washington Lodge of theB’nai B’rith and of the Free Sons of Israel Lodge.”

1886:In Russia Charles and Ethel Meltzer gave birth to Cooper Union trained Civil EngineerJoseph Meltzer, the husband of Bertha Siff and, starting in 1926, the Presidentof the Corson Construction Corporation who has worked on a variety of projectsincluding those related to the subway and elevated trains in New York.

1886:The Sanitarium for Hebrew Children is collecting funds to provide poor childrenand their mothers with summer day trips out of New York City. Contributions can be sent to John J. Davis atthe office of the Hebrew Journal onEast 14th Street.

1888:“Jew and Catholic United” published today described the marriage of Joseph J.Herrmann (Catholic) and Bertha Cahn (Jewish) in New Orleans. Rabbi Emile Hirsch of Chicago performed theceremony since the rabbis in the Crescent City refused to do so.

1888:It was reported today that Orphan Asylum of the Hebrew Sheltering GuardianSociety is caring for 575 youngsters, 400 of whom are boys and 175 aregirls. The boys are housed at a buildingon 11th Avenue while the girls are housed at a building on 87thStreet near the East River.

1890:RabbiBarnett Abraham Elzas, the South Carolina trained attorney and medical doctorwho began leading Congregation Beth Miriam in Long Branch, NJ in 1913 marriedAnnie Samuel today.

1890:Birthdate of Odessa native and NYU Bellevue College of Medicine trainedretenologist and diagnostician Dr. Isaac Glassman, the husband of “the formerCelia Margolin” and “author of many papers on X-ray techniques andgastro-intestinal procedures.”

1891:“Too Many and Too Mighty” published today takes issue with the list of thereasons given by the Russian government for its treatment of the Jewscontending that “cruel restrictive laws…have made the Hebrews in the Czar’sdominions what they are.”

1891:“Wants To Fight Tammany” published today described the decision of New Yorkattorney William A. Gans who had served as the President of the B’nai B’rith toally himself with Julius Harburger in the fight against the Democratic machine.

1891:Point 14 of the platform of the Iowa Democratic Party published today includedan expression for the support of Russian Jews.“We abhor the persecutions of Russia toward the Jewish people, and webelieve that all civilized nations should protest against such barbarism andinhumanity.

1892: Birthdate of Ukrainian-Jewish-Canadian violinist JanCherniavsky who as a child performed with the Cherniavsky Trio which includedhis brother violinist Leo and his brother cellist Mischel Cherniavsky

JanCherniavsky - Discography of American Historical Recordings ( JanCherniavsky - Discography of American Historical Recordings (

1892:The new sanitarium for Jewish children is scheduled to open today at RockawayPark.

1892:Birthdate of Minsk native Joseph Isaac Levitsky who in 1914 came to the UnitedStates where he earned a B.S. from Temple University and a Ph.D. from Dropsieafther which he taught at Gratz College in Philadlephia.

1892:The Jews of Paris send condolences to the family of Armand Meyer, the JewishFrench military officer who was killed in a duel brought on by the Marquis deMores, a noted anti-Semite. Authorities take extra precaution because they fearviolence by the Jews. The reality isthat the Jews have been the victims of attacks, something which does not botherthese same officials.

1892:“The French Duel” published today described the role of “an anti-Semiticjournal in Paris” which deliberately goads Jews into fighting duels with theswashbuckling swordsman the Marquis de Mores who at least on one occasion haskilled his Jewish opponent.

1892:The Berlin Board of Alderman passed a resolution “calling upon the police tosuppress the sale of indecent pamphlets assailing the Jews.”

1893:All the students at the Jewish Theological Seminary including the members ofthe senior, junior and preparatory classes underwent final exams today.

1893:“French Views of Russia” published today provided a detailed review of TheEmpire of the Tsars and The Russians by Anatole Leroy-Beauliue which warnsthat “Western readers cannot apply to Russia rules and notions which prevail inthe West” because Russia belongs “to the Europe of three or four centuries ago.

1894:Governor Flower appointed Edward Jacobs, a New York lawyer who was the brotherof the Joseph Jacobs both of whom were active in the Jewish community, to serveas the new Quarantine Commissioner.

1894:Birthdate of Dimitar Peshev “the Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly ofBulgaria and Minister of Justice before World War II” who “rebelled against thepro-Nazi cabinet and prevented the deportation of Bulgaria's 48,000 Jews andwas bestowed the title of "Righteous Among the Nations".

1894(21stof Sivan, 5654): Sixty-eight-year-old Wilhelm Diamant, the husband of JohannaTheres Diament and the son of Johanna and Hermann Diamant passed away today inBudapest.

1894:The Hog and the Ass” published today described the ancient Roman belief on whyJews do not eat pigs. Even though Pompey and the soldiers of Titus saw thatthere was no representation of the Divinity when they entered the Temple,Romans still believed that “Jews worshipped clouds, celestial bodies andanimals” among them the Hog or Pig. Theydeduced that since the Jews were forbidden from eating Hogs or even, in theTalmud, from owning them, the Jews must worship this animal and the prohibitionabout consuming it had do with not consuming their “god.”

1894:“Last of Great Jewish Generals” published today provided a detailed review of JudasMaccabaeus and the Jewish War of Independence by Calude Reignier Conder.This edition is an improvement over the first one published by Major Condorfifteen years ago because the author has been to Moab and Gilead in his role asthe head of the Palestine Exploration Fund.

1894:Annie Cohen Kopchovsky’s, known as Annie Londonderry,adventure began with a bet. In 1894, a gentleman in Boston bet anothergentleman, $20,000 against $10,000, that no woman could travel around the worldby bicycle, a feat that had been completed for the first time by a man in 1885.Although it is not clear why she was chosen, Annie Cohen Kopchovsky set outfrom Boston, to attempt the journey. Married and a mother of three childrenunder age six; she was an unlikely choice but a good example of the ways thatthe bicycle was transforming women's lives. Besides providing women with arespectable form of independent transportation, the popularity of the bicycleled to changes in women's dress, for example, as bloomers replaced unwieldy andinconvenient full skirts.

1895:Samuel Shlomo Boorstein, the Son of Yechezkel Boorstein and Pessia Boorsteinand his wife Faiga (Fanny) Boorstein gave birth to Chana Boorstein who becameChana Handelman when she married AbrahamHandelman with whom she had two children – Lillian and Arnold.

1896:Birthdate of Omaha native and WW I veteran Harry Maurice Levin, the CreightonUniversity trained surgeon who practiced in Sioux City, IA.

1896:Today, August Charles Broudy, the Pittsburgh born son of Hannah Myers and RabbiLouis H. Broudy married Jennie Barkley Mckain after which they at least twosons and one daughter.

1896:In New York, a body of a young man who would later be identified as 25-year-oldSimon Mischel an unmarried Jew residing on Delancey Street was found floatingin the Clyde River.

1896:A summary of the United Hebrew Charities activity report for the month of Maypublished today showed that 3,355 had applied for aid and that over $12,000 hadbeen spent in meeting their needs and the needs of previous applicants. The organization found work for 538 people andprovided transportation for an additional 157 people to travel to other partsof the United States.

1897:Rabbi Isaac Ruff wrote Declaration versus Declaration which appeared in today’sissue of Die Welt. This was defense of Herzl who had been attacked by theanti-Zionist “Protest Rabbis.”

1897:In an example of Jew supporting Jew it was reported today that the HebrewOrphan Asylum Band had provided the musical program at the recent graduatingexercises for the students of the Hebrew Technical Institute.

1897:Two days after he passed away, David Jewell was buried today at the Balls PondRoad Jewish Cemetery.

1897:“Jacob Scholle’s Bequests” published today contained a list of the charitiesthat were to receive $2, 500 according to the late bankers will including theMontefiore Home, Mount Sinai Hospital, Hebrew Orphan Asylum, Home for Aged and Infirm Hebrews and the Hebrew OrphanAsylum of San Francisco.

1898:In Ferrara, Italy, Enrico Ascoli, a coal and lumber merchant, and Adriana Finzigave birth to Max Ascoli,professor of political philosophy and law at the NewSchool for Social Research and the founder The Reporter, an influentialmid-twentieth century publication

1898(5thof Tammuz, 5658): Seventy-year-old Ferdinand Julius Cohn “one of the foundersof modern bacteriology and microbiology” passed away today.

1899:It was reported today that officers of the newly formed Orthodox Hebrew Societyare President - Dr. Bernard Drachman, the Rabbi of Congregation Zichron Ephraimand Vice President Max Cohen, a New York attorney. The Society was formed to promote traditionalJewish observance in the face of the growing popularity of the Reform Movement.

1899:In London, Herzl takes part in the Conference of the English ZionistFederation. Herzl says that he wants to obtain a Charter from the Turkishgovernment, in order to colonize Palestine under the sovereignty of the Sultan.The conference ends on July 1st.

1899:“The Jews of Germany” published today described the “continuing Jew-baitingcrusade” being conducted by Count Puckler.During his lectures in Berlin he “invited his audience to wage amerciless was on ‘godless, lying, thievish Jews.’”

1899:”Fears that Dreyfus May Be Assassinated” published today described precautionsbeing taken at Rennes where the court-martial of the French officer is takingplace including placing “Gendarmes…at every corner” and the testing of all foodsupplied to him by his jailers before it is eaten.

1899:“France’s New Cabinet and its Peculiar Composition” published today describedthe difficulty that Gallic politicians are having in forming a new governmentin the wake of the ongoing crisis surrounding the Dreyfus Affair.

1900:Birthdate of Philip Montagu D’Arcy Hart, the grandson of the 1stBaron Swayting, the husband of gynecologist Ruth Meyer and father of economistOliver Hart who was a leading researcher in the field of tuberculosistreatment.

1900:In New York City, David Eichler and Anna Strauss gave birth to real estatedeveloper Joseph Eichler.

1900:Birthdate of Moses Hadas, an American teacher, one of the leading classicalscholars of the twentieth century, and a translator of numerous works. Raisedin Atlanta in a Yiddish-speaking Orthodox Jewish household, his early studiesincluded rabbinical training; he graduated from Jewish Theological Seminary ofAmerica (1926) and took his doctorate in classics in 1930. He was fluent inYiddish, German, ancient Hebrew, ancient Greek, Latin, French, and Italian, andwell-versed in other languages. His most productive years were spent atColumbia University, where he was a colleague of Jacques Barzun and LionelTrilling. There, he took his talent for languages, combined it with apopularizing impulse, to buck the prevailing classical methods of the day—textualcriticism and grammar—presenting classics, even in translation, as worthy ofstudy as literary works in their own right. This approach may be compared tothe New Criticism school: even as the New Critics emphasized close reading,eschewing outside sources and cumbersome apparatus, Hadas, in presentingclassical works in translation to an influx of post-war G.I. Bill students,brought forth an appreciation of his domain for those without the specializedtraining of classicists. His popularizing impulse led him to embrace televisionas a tool for education, becoming a telelecturer and a pundit on broadcasttelevision. He also recorded classical works on phonograph and tape. Hisdaughter Rachel Hadas is a poet, teacher, essayist, and translator. He passed awayin 1966.

1901:Eighty-seven-year-old Charles Kensington Salaman who passed away two days ago,was described today as “the oldest living English composer” who, in the lastyears of his life was best “known as the man who alone of living men, knew manyof the great masters of composition of the early part of the nineteenthcentury.” This meant that that the late Jewish composer knew Mendelssohn,Listz, Schumann, Mayerbeer and Wagner (and a whole lot more)

1902:Joseph Pulvermacher, the president of the Sterling National Bank and TrustCompany today started his career ?when he became a messenger for the Hide andLeather National Bank.

1902(20thof Sivan, 5662) Samuel Edward Shrimski the native of Prussia who moved toLondon in 1847, then to Melbourne in 1859 before settling in New Zealand in1861 where he became a Member of Parliament died suddenly today. In addition tosupporting many secular institutions he was “vice president of the Otago branchof the Anglo-Jewish Association.

1902:“Heir to the British Crown” published today described the qualifications ofPrince George of Wales who in the event of King Edward’s death would take thethrone and whose service in the Royal Navy took him to Jaffa and other parts ofPalestine on journey that was memorable for the future monarch and the Jews hevisited.

1903: Birthdate of English author and socialcommentator George Orwell. Orwell isbest known for such works as “1984” and “Animal Farm.” A lesser-known work is his essay entitled“Anti-Semitism in Britain.” Firstpublished in 1945, this short article examines the conditions of the Jewishpopulation in Britain and calls for an examination of the causes of anti-Semitismnow that World War II was coming to an end.

1903(30thof Sivan, 5663): Rosh Chodesh Tammuz

1904:In Denver, CO, the Jewish Consumptive Relief Society which had been founded inJanuary was officially incorporated today.

1904(12thof Tammuz, 5664): Parashat Chukat-Balak

1904:“Hebrew Terms Defined” published provides a complete review of the latestpublication of The Guide for the Perplexed translated by Dr. Friedlander andpublished by E.P. Dutton and Company.

1904(12thof Tammuz, 5664): In Greenville, MS, sixty-year-old Edward Storm passedaway. Born in Berlin he moved toMississippi and served in two Confederate cavalry units during the Civil War.

1905(22ndof Sivan,5665): “At Baluty, a suburb of Lodz, this morning Cossacks attacked aJewish family of five persons who were driving in a cab to the railway stationand shot and killed all of them as well as the cabman.”

1906:“Rabbi Abraham Orenstein chanted a hymn for the repose of the souls thosekilled at Bialystok” during a mass meeting at Congregation Anshe Bialystok manyof whose members have lost relatives during the Bialystok massacres.

1906:In Berlin, “thousands of persons of all classes attended a meeting at theTonhalle this evening to protest against the massacre of the Jews of Russia.”

1907:It was reported today that the Adelaide Kelm’s “characterization” of Leah, theJewish maiden who is the title role in Agustin Daly’s “Leah, the Forsaken”which is appearing at the Metropolis Theatre “was received by the largeaudience” as could be seen from the “many curtain calls.”

1908:“In the course of the meeting a Reveal between the King and the Czar, the Jewish Chronicle reported that “anintimation was conveyed that a measure for ameliorating the conditions of theJews in the Russian Empire had been for some time in contemplation.”

1909:Birthdate of Daniel Fuchs, a writer who was a product of the Lower East Sideand Williamsburg which provided the backdrop of “three early novels – Summerin Willamsbrg, Homage to Blenholt and Low Company.

1909:Hebert Louis Samuel, the 1st Viscount Samuel began his term asChancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster in the government of Prime MinisterHerbert Henry Asquith.

1910: Congress passedthe Mann Act which was intended to curb prostitution, or as its supporterscalled “white slavery” a term George Kibbe Turner used “in a 1907 article inMcClure's Magazine that claimed a"loosely organized association... largely composed of Russian Jews"was the primary source of supply for Chicago brothels.
1911(28th of Sivan, 5671): Seventy-five-year-old German born MorrisBaldauf, the husband of Lina Kahn Baldauf with whom he had four children –Julius, Minnie, Leon and Cora – passed away today after which he was buried inThe Temple Cemetery at Louisville, KY.

1911: Birthdateof biochemist William Stein. Stein won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in1972. Jews have won 18% of the Nobel Prizes for Chemistry. Stein died atthe age of 68 in 1980.

1912: Birthdate of “Arnold Forster, an AmericanJewish leader, lawyer and writer who was a longtime executive of theAnti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith.”

1912: The 12th annual meeting of theAlumni Association of the Jewish Theological Seminary whose president was JacobKohn opened today in Tannersville, NY.

1913:In Cincinnati, Ohio, officers are elected at the American Zionists’ conventionincluding Harry Friedenwald of Baltimore who is chosen to serve as HonoraryPresident and Louis Lipsky who is chosen to serve as Chairman of the ExecutiveCommittee.

1913:In Springfield, Illinois, the annual conference of the American Association ofOfficials of Charities and Correction which Mortimer L. Schiff and HenrySolomon both of New York were delegates continued for a second day.

1913:In New York City, Harry and Anna Grossman gave birth to photographer and socialactivist Sid Grossman, the graduate of City College who co-founded the PhotoLeague in 1934.

1914(1stof Tammuz, 5674): Rosh Chodesh Tammuz

1914:It was reported today that the late Isidor Wormser, a retired banker andautomobile racing enthusiast was a member of the New York Stock Exchange up tothe day of his death having kept is seat on the NYSE even after he hadliquidated his business holdings.

1914:Jefferson Medical College trained orthopedic surgeon Arthur Julius Davidson;the Philadelphia born son of Dr. Charles C. Davidson and Florence Sterm who hasserve as the chief of the out-patient orthopedic department of JeffersonMedical College, the orthopedic surgeon at the Jewish Hospital in Philadelphiaand consulting surgeon for the Hebrew Orphans Home today married Julie Brown inPhiladelphia.

1914:Birthdate of Newburyport, MA native Theresa Hilda Feldman who gained fame asHilda Terry, one of the first female cartoonist and creator if “Teena” whichran for over almost a quarter of a century starting in 1941.

1915(13thof Tammuz, 5675): Hungarian born American pianist and composer Rafael Joseffypassed away.

1915:“In a long statement seeking to justify the use of asphyxiating gases inwar-fare, the semi-official Wolff Telegraph Bureau assert in Germannewspaper…that the Allies first used such gases against the German.” According to Wolff, the French had authorizeduse gas in February of 1915. [Like so many other agencies of this type, itsownership had Jewish origins.]

1915:Authorities believe that yesterday’s attack on Benny Snyder at the Tombs justbefore he was to appear in court was brought on by those who thought that hewas going to provide the D.A. with information about criminal activities he hadacquired while in jail.

1915:Delegates to the National Convention of Zionists are scheduled to beginregistering this morning at the Old City Club building on Beacon Street inBoston while “official activities of the convention will actually begin in theevening at Temple MIshkan Tefila.”

1915:As the state of Georgia reels from the outgoing Governor’s decision to commutethe death sentence of Leo Frank to life in prison, two regiments of the statemilitia are making their way to Atlanta to make sure that the inauguration ofGovernor-elect Nat Harris goes smoothly.

1916:Supreme Court Just Louis D. Brandeis is among the speakers who will address the“seven hundred delegates scheduled to attend the annual convention of theFederal of American Zionists opening today in the Metropolitan Opera House inPhiladelphia, PA.

1916:“Henry Morgenthau delivered an address in the Dickinson High School at JerseyCity today to the movement for a Hebrew Orphan Asylum in Hudson County.”

1916:“A military organization” known as the First New York Volunteers “having as itsnucleus men who allege they have been excluded from the New York National Guardbecause they were Jews” was formed at a meeting attended by more than fifty menand held today in the rooms of the Merchants’ Association in the WoolworthBuilding. The meeting was chaired by Max J. Klein who was assisted by CaptainLewis Landes, the Executive Secretary of the Army and Navy Branch of the YoungMen’s Hebrew Association.

1916:Today which has been designated as “Flower Day” many florists throughout NewYork City today “donated their wares to the Joint Distribution Committee forthe Relief of Jewish War Suffers: while “more than 1,500 Jewish young men andwomen sold he flowers on the streets under the committee’s auspices.”

1917:The Italian government publishes a decree assuring that all 10,000 Lire($2,000) of a bequest from Emilio Treves will be awarded as a prize uponpublication of an Italian language manuscript to combatanti-Semitism.

1917:After having lost the Welterweight Championship in 1916, Ted Lewis won it backin a bout at Westwood Field in Dayton, Ohio.

1917:This evening a reception for delegates at the Convention of the Federation ofAmerican Zionists is scheduled to be held at the Hotel Belvedere betweenCharles and Chase streets.

1917:In Cleveland, Ohio, after five years of service, Jacob Klein was unanimouslyelected to continue serving as the Rabbi of Congregation B’nai Jeshurun.

1918:Tache Ionescu stated today “that ever since August 1914, it had been decided tosettle the Jewish question and place the Jews in Romania on a footing ofcomplete equality with their fellow-subjects.”

1918:The 21st Annual Convention of the Federation of American Zionistcontinued for a third day in Pittsburgh, PA. where delegated learned that “theJewish Legion of 8,000 men now fighting with British in Palestine is only thenucleus of a Jewish legion ten times as great that is to become that nationalstanding army of the coming Jewish Republic.”

1918:Twenty-seven-year-old JTS ordained Rabbi Abraham E. Halperin, the Toronto bornson of Rabbi Isaac and Fannie (Singer) Halpern, who served “Congregation B'naiAmoona, St. Louis, Missouri for over 45 years” married Bessie Feinberg today.

1918:The Intercollegiate Zionist Association of America whose members includedNorman Winestine, Aaron Schaffer and Jonas Friedenwald held it is fourth annualconvention today.

1918:The fifth annual convention of Hadassah continued for a second day inPittsburgh, PA.

1919:The first national conference of the Religious Zionist Organization, Mizrachi,opens.

1919:In Brockton, MA, Rose Rosen “a Communist activist from the East of London” andher husband gave birth to Harold Rosen, the graduate of University College inLondon, U.S. Army veteran and “academic” at London University’s Institute ofEducation who was the husband of Connie Isakofsky with whom he had threechildren – Brian, Alan and Michael.

1920:Tonight, “the residents of the Young Women’s Hebrew Associaton” on 110thStreet “attended Synagogue where a special service was held for their bellowedand revered Mrs. A. N. Chen whose loving devotion they shall” remember forever.

1920:The Jewish Chronicle reported on a meeting of the Board of Deputies where theydiscussed the disposition of the Cemetery at St. Heliers.

1920:In St Anne's-on-Sea, Lancashire, England, Maurice Copisarow “who in 1915co-authored a paper on Chemistry with Chaim Weizmann” and his wife gave birthto Alcon Charles Copisarow who “held serveral Civil Service and othergovernmental posts” before being knighted in 1988.

1920:Birthdate of William H. Prusoff, a pharmacologist at the Yale School ofMedicine who, with a colleague, developed an effective component in the firstgeneration of drug co*cktails used to treat AIDS.

1920:The sixth annual Tennis Tournament sponsored by the Chicago Institute for youngmen under theage of 17 is scheduled to take place today with the winnersreceiving “handsome cups and medals.”

1921(19thof Sivan, 5681): Parashat Beha’alotcha

1921:A sermon on “A Thought for Vacation” is scheduled to be delivered this morningat Temple Emanu-El.

1921:Rabbi Harry Halpern is scheduled to deliver the sermon this morning at theJewish Communal Center of Flatbush in Brooklyn.

1921:Rabbi Samuel J. Levinson is scheduled to deliver the sermon this morning at theFlatbush Temple in Brooklyn

1921:Authorities in Syria do not issue passes to Jews who wish to leave the country.

1921:In Newport News, VA, Mr. and Mrs. Elias Cohen gave birth to Sherman Cohen “aone-time auto dealer who, with his two brothers, built a real estate empire ofmore than 20 residential and commercial buildings across Manhattan…” (Asreported by Charles V. Bagli)

1922:“Resolutions urging the British Government to take immediate steps to bringabout the final registration of the mandate over Palestine were adopted todayby the Zionist Organization of America in its twenty-fifth annual convention.”

1923(11thof Tammuz, 5683): Russian born Jewish American conductor and composer LouisFriedsell who “made at least eleven recordings for the United Hebrew Disc andCylinder Company” passed away today in New York after which he was buried at MountHebron Cemetery in Brooklyn following a well-attended funeral service “arrangedby the Theatrical Music Club.”

1923:Opening of the Summer Edition of the Ziegfeld Follies featuring songs, sketcheswritten and performed by Eddie Cantor.

1924:In Philadelphia, PA, Polish born actor Baruch Lumet and Mrs. Lumet gave birthto Director Sidney Lumet best known for the film Dog Day Afternoon

1925: Birthdate of Helena Zemankova, the Pragueresident who was murdered in 1942 after being transported for Terezin.

1925: The Polish Government, influenced by thedamage done to its credit abroad by the resentment of Poland's Jewish citizens,has made important concessions to them and are embodied in an agreement reachedby the Jewish deputies, M. Reich and Dr. Thon, with the Government afterparleys with Count Skrzynski, Foreign Minister, and Professor StanislasGrabski, Minister of Public Worship and Education.

1926: It was reported today that the attendees ofthe 37th annual meeting of the Central Conference of American Rabbiswere able to put aside “the gloom cast upon it by the sudden death of RabbiHerbert Samuel of Montreal” and conclude its conference with “a discussions ofreligious freedom in American and a proposal to extend the education of Jewishyoung men.

1927: In Long Branch, NJ, Rose Liebesman Stein “thedaughter of Lithuanian Jewish immigrants and Joseph Stein, the son of GermanJewish immigrants, who “worked as a journalist and later in the automotiveindustry and opened the first Cadillac dealership in New Jersey: gave birth toSkidmore College graduate Wilma Stein who fame as Wilma Tisch, the wife realestate developer Laurence Tisch with whom she had four children – Andrew,Daniel, James and Thomas.

1927:Birthdate of Lorain, OH and Northwestern University alum Gerald Alan Freedman,the “Dean of the Drama School at the University of North Carolina School of theArts” and “the first American ever invited to direct at the Globe Theatre inLondon.

1928:Birthdate of Alexei Alexeyevich Abrikosov, Russian born physicist who now alsoholds American citizenship. He was aco-recipient of the Nobel Prize for Physics in 2003.

1928:In New York, Isidore and Bess Junger Cohen gave birth to University of Chicagograduate and award winning novelist and theologian Arthur Allen Cohen

1928:After losing his only bout by a knockout in 1926, today Flyweight PinkySilverberg lost his second bout in a row, this time by points in a ten rounddecision “at Laurel Garden in Newark, NJ.”

1929:“President Hoover signed the Boulder Canyon Project Act, authorizing theexpenditure of $165 million for the construction of the Boulder Dam” which wasdesigned by architect “Gordon Bernie Kaufmann, whose father was of Jewishorigin and whose mother’s maiden name was Isaacs” but may not have been Jewishhimself since he was “buried under the sign of a cross at Golden State NationalCemetery.” (As reported by Donald H. Harrison)

1929:Birthdate of Thomas Eisner, “a groundbreaking authority on insects whoseresearch revealed the complex chemistry that they use to repel predators,attract mates and protect their young, Thomas Eisner, a groundbreakingauthority on insects whose research revealed the complex chemistry that theyuse to repel predators, attract mates and protect their young,”

1930:Rabbi Stephen S. Wise is scheduled to officiate at the funeral of Rabbi MauriceH. Harris which is being held this morning at the Free Synagogue. (JTA)

1930:Birthdate of Hugo Gabriel Gryn, the Czech born survivor of Auschwitz who servedas the Rabbi at West London Synagogue.

1930:Today Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt appointed a new member to the NiagaraFrontier Bridge Commission to replace Emanuel Boasberg who had resigned fromthe commission,

1930:The two-day celebration of opening of the Chachmei Lublin Yeshiva founded byRabbi Meir Shapiro came to an end.

1931:“The Magnificent Lie” a WW I themed movie with a script by Leonard Merrick andSamson Raphaelson was released today in the United States.

1932(21stof Sivan, 5692): Herbert Bentwich passed away in Jerusalem. Born in 1856, atWhitechapel, he was a British Zionist leader and lawyer. “He was an authorityon copyright law, and owner/editor of the Law Journal for many years. He was aleading member of the English Hovevei Zion and one of the first followers ofTheodor Herzl in England. In 1897 Bentwich he led a group of 21, including thewriter Israel Zangwill, on a tour of holy sites and new settlements inPalestine on behalf of the Maccabaeans, and in 1911 he acquired land forsettlement at Gezer, near Ramleh on behalf of the Maccabean Land Company. Helater succeeded his brother-in-law Solomon J. Solomon as president of theMaccabaeans. Bentwich was a founder of the British Zionist Federation in 1899and for some time served as its vice-chairman. He was a legal adviser for theJewish Colonial Trust. From 1916 to 1918 he served on the Zionist politicaladvisory committee under Chaim Weizmann. Bentwich was a regular visitor toPalestine after 1921 and settled in Jerusalem in late 1929. Susannah Bentwichdied in London in 1915. He was survived by ten of his eleven children, eight ofwhom eventually settled permanently in Palestine. His eldest son, NormanBentwich, a leading barrister, also spent much of his professional life there,and another son, Joseph Bentwich, was awarded the Israel Prize, for education,in 1962.”

1932:In Brooklyn, Abraham Sirowitz, a Jewish immigrant from Ukraine who had workedas a taxi driver and jewelry polished and Sadie Schoenwetter gave birth to PrattInstitute graduate and U.S. Army veteran, Leonard Sirowitz, the husband of Mryna Florman with whom he hadtwo children – Michael and Laura – and award winning advertising art directorwho created “memorable print ads for the VW Bettle,” Mobile Oil, Sara Lee and The Better Vision Institute,among others while working at the world famous advertising agency Doyle DaneBernbach (DDB). (As reported by Richard Sandomir)

1933:Outfielder Milt Galatzer made his major league debut with the Cleveland Indiansin doubleheader with the Washington Senators during which he got on base fourtimes in the first game (all by walks) and then got two hits in the secondgame.

1933:Funeral services were held today at the Farbund Culture Service today for sixty-year-oldRussian born NYU trained attorney and national treasurer of the Jewish NationalWorkers Alliance Nathan Zvirin, the legal adviser to the Kosher Butchers ofGreater New York and husband of Ida Levine Zvirin with whom he had threechildren – Pauline, John and Fred –after which he was buried in the Montefiore Cemetery in Springfield.

1934:In Providence, R.I., funeral services were held tonight fifty-three-year-old Russian born, JeffersonMedical College trained surgeon Abraham P. Fishman who had passed away lastnight “from blood poisoning resulting from a slight cut on the hand sufferedduring an operation on a patient for throat abscess ten days ago.”

1934:Today, In Ashville, NC, officers of the United States Marshal’s office seized “thepersona files of William Dudley Pelley, leader of the anti-Semitic Silver shirs

1934(12of Tammuz, 5694): Seventy-one-year-old West Bend, WI native and long-time “first assistant corporation counsel for thecity of Chicago and authority on corporation law Leon Hornstein” “the partiallyparalyzed victim of apoplectic stroke” and the husband of the former EstherYounker with whom he had two daughters passed away today.

1934:Today, American banker Robert Owen Lehman, Sr. married his second wife, Ruth"Kitty" (Leavitt) Meeker with whom he had one son, Robert OwenLehman, Jr.

1935:In Bridgeport, CT, George and Rea (Wishengrad) Kramer gave birth to theirsecond son and Yale University attorney Laurence David Kramer “the noted writerwhose raucous, antagonistic campaign for an all-out response to the AIDS crisishelped shift national health policy in the 1980s and ’90s.” (As reported byDaniel Lewis)

1935: Joe Louis defeated Primo Carneraat Yankee Stadium. Neither of thefighters was Jewish. But Joe Louis’manager Mike Jacobs was Jewish. It wasunder his guidance that Louis broke the “color barrier” and got his shot atbeing Heavy Weight Champion of the World.

1935: In Bridgeport, CT, a Jewish“attorney and a social worker gave birth to playwright and author Larry Kramerwho is also an LGBT rights activist.

1936: Sixty-nine-year-old Americandiplomate and N.Y. National Guard Brigadier General Charles Hitchco*ck Sherrillwho spoke “glowingly” about Mussolini and Hitler and who failed to convince theGerman dictator to allow “one token Jew” to take part in the 1936 Olympics,passed away today.

1936: The Palestine Post reported that Haim Golowitzky, oneof the founders of Atarot who was on his way to milk cows, was shot dead byArab snipers, just outside his cowshed. Passengers in a Jewish bus in Haifa hada remarkable escape from death when they succeeded in extinguishing burningfuses in a suitcase left by an Arab passenger who jumped off their bus. Britishtroops continued their searches and confiscated arms in Arab villagesthroughout the country. It was estimated that no fewer than 100,000 trees hadbeen destroyed and another 12,000 damaged by Arabs since April 19, 1936.

1936: Last broadcast of Camel Caravan a radio show that showcasedseveral talented musicians including Benny Goodman.

1936: “Exemption of Jews from military service ‘in accordance withthe highest interpretation of Judaism’ was sought from the United StatesGovernment in a resolution adopted tonight by the Central Conference ofAmerican Rabbis at the social justice session of the organization’sforty-seventh annual convention” being held at Cape May, NJ.

1936: It was announced today that a testimonial luncheon will begiven for Mrs. Herbert H. Lehman at the Hotel Commodore by the Women’s Divisionof the Greater New York Campaign of the Joint Distribution Committee for thebenefit of the campaign whose goal is to raise $1,500,000.

1937: “North of the Rio Grande” a western film featuring Lee J.Cobb as “RR President Wooden” was released today in the United States.

1937: “The Great Gambini” a mystery directed by Charles Vidor,produced by B.P. Schulberg

1937: Birthdate of Baron Wolman Rolling Stone magazine’s first Chief Photographer.

1937: It was reported todaythat Italian newspaper publisher Generoso Pope has said that “he had receivedthe word of Mussolini that would be no persecution of Jews in Italy ‘as long asthey obey the laws’ and that the Premiere had told him the Jews “will betreated just like all other Italians as long as the laws of the country areobeyed.”

1938: As Arab violence flared, “a gain of terrorist entered ahospital in Haifa seeking a wounded Arab ‘traitor’ who was a patientthere.” When they could not find him,“they killed another Arab patient. “A manifesto issued today by the Tel Avivmunicipality called on Jews to remain calm and not resort to violence.

1938: Under the Fair Labor Standards Act, the U.S. adopts aminimum wage which is set at $.40 an hour. Sidney Hillman, head of the“Amalgamated” and advisor to FDR played a key role in drafting and gainingsupport for this landmark legislation.

1938:German-Jewish doctors are allowed totreat only Jewish patients.

1938:Tonight, at the College Hall of Astor Hotel in Manhattan William F. Rosenblum, the rabbi of Temple Israelofficiated at the wedding of Sol Abrahams and Felice Franklin, “the granddaughterof Hyman Newmark, the cantor emeritus at Temple Israel.

1939:Over one thousand delegates attended the 42nd annual meeting of theZOA began this afternoon at the Hotel Commodore where they heard a cable fromformer Prime Minister Lloyd George who “bid them to be of good cheer until theclouds pass.”

1940: France formally surrenders to Nazi Germany.

1940:As Churchill worked to transfer the eleven battalions of Regular British troopsfrom Palestine back to England so that they can help defend the British Islesagainst the pending Nazi invasion, he wrote to the Secretary of State forColonies, Lord Lloyd, asking “what weapons and organization the Jews have forself-defense.” Churchill wants to armthe Jews so they can protect themselves against Arab attackers. Lloyd opposes the arming of the Jews andwould rather have the British troops remain.

1941(30th of Sivan, 5701): Rosh Chodesh Tammuz

1941:Members of the Lithuanian militia marched Jews to the Seventh Fort in Kovnowhere they would be murdered after suffering abuse at the hands of the localsad*sts.

1941:“President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs Executive Order 8802 prohibitinggovernment contractors from engaging in employment discrimination based onrace, color or national origin. This order is the first presidential actionever taken to prevent employment discrimination by private employers holdinggovernment contracts. The Executive Order applies to all defense contractors,but contains no enforcement authority. President Roosevelt signs the ExecutiveOrder primarily to ensure that there are no strikes or demonstrationsdisrupting the manufacture of military supplies as the country prepares forWar.” By the standards of the 21stcentury, this action might seem “weak.”But it gives us an idea of the level of bigotry which was sanctioned inthe society. At the time Rooseveltsigned this order it was considered a major step in the fight againstprejudice.

1941(30th of Sivan, 5701): Many Jews were killed in a pogrom at Jassy, Romania. The following appearsin The Tragedy of Romanian Jewry by Randolph L. Braham. "At the outbreakof the war, Jassy had a population of slightly over 100,000 inhabitants,approximately 50,000 of whom were Jews. The city was very close to the frontierwith the Soviet Union, and even before launching the anti-Soviet war on June 22,1941, a number of secret anti-Semitic measures had been initiated in Romania.Between June 20 and 26 the Jews of Jassy were forced to dig two large massgraves in the Pacurari Jewish cemetery. About the same time, the Soviet airforce bombed Jassy twice, the second time inflicting serious damage. The rumorspread that Soviet paratroopers were active throughout the city and that theseparatroopers were being given shelter by the Jews. On the morning of 29 June,1941, Jews were formed into columns and marched from Tatarasi, Pacurari,Sararie, and Nicolina Streets to police headquarters. Most of the prisonerswere men but among them were also some women with children. Some were dressed,others were in their night clothes many had been beaten and had bruises andopen wounds. Civilian onlookers as wellas soldiers and gendarmes, Romanian and German spat at them and hit them withstones, broken bottles, clubs, crowbars and rifle butts. Civilians joined thepolice and the military in dragging Jews out of their homes. All told,thousands of Jews were herded into the courtyard of the Jassy policeheadquarters. In another report, addressed to the Minister of the Interior,Lieutenant-Colonel Chirlovici, reported 1,000 Jewish prisoners at 9:00 a.m. and5,000 by nightfall. He stated that at noon there were 3,500 Jews in thecourtyard. At about 1:30 PM German soldiers and Romanian gendarmes and soldierssurrounded police headquarters and an area close by. At about 2:00 p.m., theGerman and Romanian soldiers began to fire directly into the crowds; they werejoined by some civilians. They used machine-guns, automatic weapons, or rifles.Crazed with terror some Jews tore down the fence of the courtyard and tried totake refuge near the Sidoli cinema ... They too were mowed down without mercy.The massacre continued intermittently until 6:00 p.m. It is difficult toestablish the number of victims of the massacre at police headquarters. Fourtrucks and 24 carts transported the corpses; it took two whole days to movethem. Approximately 2,500 Jews survived the massacre in the police headquarterscourtyard. At about 8:00 p.m. the process of getting them to the railroadstation began. Two thousand five hundred Jews were herded were herded intofreight cars. The train left Jassy on June 30, 1941 between 3:30 and 4:15 a.m.At about 4:00 a.m. the same morning, a second group of approximately 1,900 Jewsto be evacuated were rounded up at police headquarters. Two death trains leftJassy between 3:30 and 4:15 a.m. on Monday, June 30, 1941. The first one ...consisted of from 33 to 38 sealed freight cars and contained between 2,430 and2,530 Jews. When the train was emptied, there were 1,076 survivors.]The historyof the second car is ... equally horrifying. On June 30, 1941 at about 6:00A.M., 1,902 Jews were loaded onto a second train comprising 18 cars. Of the1,902 Jews put on the train, 1,194 died and were buried in the Podul Iloaeicemetery. The total number of victims of the Jassy pogrom cannot be establishedwith certainty. While the number of victims on the trains is known andrelatively accurate, it is not known how many Jews in Jassy were buried incommunal graves, how many such graves there were, and how many corpses weresimply thrown onto garbage heaps or into the Bahlui River. German diplomatsestimated at least 4,000 victims... The most reliable source seems to bedocuments from the archives of the Romanian Ministry of the Interior which the number at over 8,000."

1941:Soviets renew the attacks on Finland that had been part of the earlier “WinterWar” with a large air attack on the Fins.

1941(30th of Sivan, 5701): In the town of Luck, Poland, Dr. Benjamin From agedforty-seven refused to stop operating on a Christian woman, so he was draggedout of operating room, taken to his home and killed with his entire family.

1941(30thof Sivan, 5701): Ninety year old “German mathematician and patron of the arts”Alfred Pringsheim passed away in Zurich where he had been forced to flee by theNazis.

1941(30th of Sivan, 5701): In Jedwabne, Poland, local Polish citizenry begin apogrom aimed at the Jews living in the town.

1941:Two days after the retreating NKVD had machine gunned 4,000 political prisoners“including Poles, Jews and Ukrainians” the Wehrmacht captured the city of Lutskfollowing which the Nazis forced the Jews into a Ghetto before murderingapproximately 25,000 of them on Gorka Polonka Hill.

1942: Tom Driberg, who in 1945 would be one part ofthe official delegation sent by Church“to examine the newly liberated concentration camps” was elected to Parliamentfor the first time today.

1942:An article in the London DailyTelegraph reports, "More than 700,000 Polish Jews have beenslaughtered by the Germans in the greatest massacres in the world'shistory."

1942:It was reported today that “a Torah captured by the British forces when theywere attacking Derna several months ago” and which was found among the Germanand Italian stores seized by the British” “has been turned to the Tel Avivrabbinate…” (As reported by JTA)

1942:During WW II, Moe Dalitz enlisted in the U.S. Army after which he rose fromprivate to first lieutenant.

1943:Crematorium III at Auschwitz begins operation. Also, Otto Ben, from the ForeignMinistry reports that the “100,000th Jews has been removed fromDutch Society.”

1943:“Jitterbugs” a comedy film produced by Sol M. Wurtzel with music by Lew Pollackwas released in the United States today.

1943:The Germans began the final destruction of the people living in the CzestochowaGhetto. The Jews put up armed resistance in a series of bunkers. Czestochowa islocated in Poland and is famous as the home of the "Black Madonna."

1944:In Brooklyn Anne Goldberg, a bookkeeper and postal worker George Goldberg gavebirth to Gary David Goldberg who would gain fame as television producer andwriter.

1945:In the Bronx, “Richard L. Simon, the co-founder of Simon & Schuster and aclassical pianist who often played Frédéric Chopin and Ludwig van Beethoven athome” and “Andrea Heinemann Simon (née Heinemann), a civil rights activist andsinger” gave birth to singer and songwriter Carly Elisabeth Simon.

1945:Today “Baltimorean Rudolf Sonneborn” who would serve as national chairman ofthe UJA “brought together Jewish industrial leaders in a New York meeting withDavid Ben-Gurion, then chairman of the Jewish Agency Executive in Palestine.”

1946:“Books Published Today” included Jews in American History: 1654-1865 by PhilipS. Foner and The Jewish People: Past and Present, Vol I, Jewish EncyclopedicHandbooks—A series of essays on various aspects of Jewish history and culture.

1947:The Diary of Anne Frankis published.

1947:In Los Angeles, Samuel Kurtzman, a Russian born dentist and the former RoselleRosencranz gave birth to Joel Allen Kurtzman the “economic Cassandra” whoseemed to do a 180 degree change when in 2014 he predicted a “Second AmericanCentury of unimaginable prosperity.”

1948:As Israel fought for its survival, as prelude to a full blockade “the Sovietsstopped supplying food to the civilian population in the non-Soviet sectors ofBerlin” in what was part of a plan to drive the Western Allies from Berlin andeventually from West Germany. (Editor’s note – this serves as a reminder thatJewish history does not take place in a vacuum and to understand it, it isnecessary to understand the happenings of the world at large.)

1948:In Brooklyn actor Harvey Lembeck and Caroline Dubs gave birth to actorand television director Michael Lembeck

1948: Warner Bros. released “Romance on the High Seas” a musicalcomedy written by Julius and Philip G. Epstein with additional dialogue provedby I.A.L. Diamond today.

1949: At their 60th annual convention, “three hundredrabbis, representing Reform congregation throughout the United States” todayunanimously approved resolutions calling “for the including of Jerusalem withthe boundaries of Israel” and urging “the full adoption of President Truman’scivil rights program.”

1950: Birthdate of Israeli actress Nitza Saul.

1950: The beginning of the Korean War, with theinvasion of the South by the North. Jews fought in the Korean War just as theyhad in every war since the call to arms went out in 1775.

See for a partial list ofthose who served. In an article entitled “Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur in NorthKorea, 1951, Remembered,” Warren Zundell, MD (Captain, 11th Evacuation HospitalSMBL, 10th Corp. 8th Army, Korea) provides us with a glimpse of what it waslike during what some derisively called a “police action.”

These evenings occurred years ago, but every Rosh Hashanahand Yom Kippur, they return as vividly as if they happened last year.In May,1951, my hospital unit was transported from Sasebo, Japan to Pusan, Korea. Iwas on the Orthopedic Surgery Team. Five months later, on the day before RoshHashanah, our hospital Chaplain (a Catholic priest), asked me if I was planningto attend services the next day, being conducted some 40 or 50 miles north ofour location, just over the 36th parallel, in North Korea. We were in Wonju,South Korea. I knew the Rabbi who was to conduct the services, as he wouldvisit our hospital from time to time. Knowing this would be a 40 or 50 miletrek through sniper-infested mountains, I answered negatively, even though Iknew that the Rabbi might be disappointed. The following conversation thenensued:

Chaplain: You have to go.

Me: Why do I have to go?

Chaplain: There are about 30 Jewish boys around here whowant to go.

Me: So let them go.

Chaplain: An Officer has to go to be in charge of theconvoy.

Me: Why me? I am a Doctor.

Chaplain: You are the only Jewish Officer in this hospital,so you go. He was a Major, I was a Captain. I think he was giving me a directorder. He then informed me that he would lend me his jeep in which to head theconvoy of trucks. It had a big white cross on the front hood, which he impliedwould protect us from sniper fire. He didn’t say anything about land mines.That afternoon we assembled the convoy and headed North. It may have been thefirst all-Jewish convoy in the history of Korea. As Jews, we were not fullyconvinced that the white cross would totally protect us from sniper fire. Wewere therefore well-armed. A few uneventful hours later we crossed the 38thparallel into North Korea. We were making Jewish history. Soon we checked into10th Corp. HW. The Rabbi (Major Meir Engle) seemed happy to see us. The nextday was Rosh Hashanah. We had a big tent in which to hold services. There wereabout 300 Jewish boys attending, including my 30. I was proud to be there.After services we reassembled our convoy and returned to our hospital, withoutincident. When Yom Kippur came, I was called upon by the Chaplain again. Ididn’t want to push my luck, with a baby daughter back home whom I had neverseen. Nevertheless, I soon found myself in the same Jewish convoy. But betweenRosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, there had been heavy fighting on the 10th Corp.Front. Instead of 300 Jewish boys attending Yom Kippur services, there wereless than 150. Korea is now referred to as the "Forgotten War". What itreally means is that this country has literally forgotten the more than 34,000Americans who died there, including those Jewish boys who died between RoshHashanah and Yom Kippur in the year 1951."

Korea also presentedthe newly independent state of Israel with one of its first great foreignpolicy challenges not directly related to the Middle East or its own immediatesurvival. Israel’s shifting policy, asdescribed below, demonstrated how quickly conflict in the Middle East andconflict in the Far East were joined together because of the Cold War. The shift also resulted, in part, from theSoviet Union’s change of policy towards Israel.Stalin’s smile quickly turned sour, while Harry Truman’s never did. “Israel's foreign policy underwent a change during the Korean War. In thefirst two years after its establishment, Israel maintained a stance ofnonalignment. However, it became clear from the anti-Jewish attitude of theCommunist bloc and especially Joseph Stalin that strengthening relations withthe United States was the only way to safeguard Israel's continued existenceand long-term interests. Both Israel's foreign and domestic policy during theKorean War reflected a growing U.S. influence, which has only deepened withtime. Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion went one step further during the KoreanWar when he suggested that an Israel Defense Forces (IDF) unit be sent to jointhe UN forces fighting North Korea and the Chinese volunteers. A debate brokeout in Israel over whether it should provide support to U.S. and UN policiesgiven that Washington had made no such request. The leading opponent of sendingan IDF unit was the political party Mapam, which was part of the governingcoalition and openly favored North Korea. With the Achdut Ha'Avoda party,another member of the coalition, also against the measure, the governmentdecided to limit its assistance to medical aid and food shipments. In addition,Israel lent political support during the UN deliberations on whether its troopsshould cross the 38th parallel northward. In February 1951, the UN GeneralAssembly condemned China as the aggressor and placed a boycott on certainstrategic supplies to China. Here, too, Israel continued to side with theUnited States, the United Nations, and South Korea, though formal diplomaticties with the latter were still more than a decade away. From the 1951ideological debate between the Israeli parties until 1960, there were noinitiatives on the question of relations with South Korea.”

1950:Israeli airline El Al began service. Anybody who has ever flown El Al to Israelknows there is flying and then there is flying El Al. As an early target ofterrorist, El Al adopted policies that have made it the safest airline in theworld. Its anti-terrorist practices have served as a model for other airlinesas they have been confronted with similar challenges.

1950:The outbreak of the Korean War delayed the build of a new Jewish CommunityCenter in Salt Lake City Utah delaying its completion until 1959.

1951: The Jerusalem Post reported that 20 lists of partieswere registered for the Second Knesset elections. Israel and Switzerlanddecided to establish diplomatic relations. The quality of sweets had improved,but the quality of beverages had deteriorated, according to the Quality ControlDepartment of the Ministry of Agriculture.

1951: Today, in Baltimore, Jacob Balustein, the president of theAmerican Jewish Committee announced today “at the annual meeting of theAssociated Jewish Charities” that his mother, Mrs. Henrietta Blaustein had made“a gift of one million dollars for an obstetrical and gynecological build ofthe Sinai Hospital Unit of the new Jewish Medical Center” in honor of her latehusband Louis Balustein.

1952: A government spokesman reported that an Israeli army patrolhad shot three Arabs who were trying to enter Israel from Jordan.

1952: Jospeh Pulvermacher, the president of the Sterling NationalBank and Trust Company of New York who began working on this date in 1902 as abank messenger is scheduled to complete fifty years in banking today.

1953:Robert and Gérald Finaly, two Jewish children, whowere hidden during the Occupation by a Catholic network, were brought back toFrance from Spain where they had been by Catholics who did want to return toJewish authorities.

1954(24th of Sivan,5714): Sixty-seven-year-old Kiev native and successful American Orthodox cantorPinkhes Yasinovski (Pinchos Jassinowsky) who in 1917 came to the United Stateswhere “he composed music for many poems by Morris Rosenfeld, Avrom Reyzen, ManiLeyb, H. Leivick, A. Liessin, Z. Vaynper, and others, published articles on Jewish music and wrote awork for the synagogue liturgy entitled Musaf leshabat uleshabat rosh ḥodesh(The additional service on the Sabbath and the Sabbath of the first of themonth)” passed away today.,%20Pinkhes%20(Pinchos%20Jassinowsky)

1956(16th of Tammuz, 5716): One hundred four-year-oldCincinnati native and 1870 Ohio University graduate Dr. Philip Zenner who“received his license to practice medicine in 1896” and who “was a charter theJewish Hospital medical staff” and a Professor Neurology at the University ofCincinnati passed away today.

1955(5th of Tammuz, 5715): Parashat Korach

1955: Columbia University announced today that Franz Kallman hasbeen promoted to a full professorship and will serve a Professor of Psychiatry.

1956: William Goldman started writing The Temple of Gold,his first novel, which was written in less than three weeks and then was almostimmediately picked up for publication.

1956: The last Packard automobile was manufactured in the UnitedStates. Starting in 1903, Packard automobiles had been manufactured at a plant in Detroit designed by industrial architectAlbert Kahn, the Prussian born son of Rabbi Joseph Khan and Rosalie Kahn, whosebrother Julius Kahn “was the inventor of the Kahn system, a reinforced concreteengineering technique for building construction.

1958:“This Angry Age,” with a script co-authored by Irwin Shaw whose Ukrainian Jewishborn parents had named Irwin Gilbert Shamforoff at the time of his birth and featuringNehemiah Persoff, the Jerusalem born son “silversmith, jeweler and art teacher”Shmuel Persoff, in the role of “Albert,” was released today in the UnitedStates.

1960(30th of Sivan, 5720): Parashat Koraach; RoshChodesh Tammuz

1960: In their sermons today, Dr. Julius Mark, the senior rabbi atTemple Emanu-El, Dr. Judah Nadich, the rabbi at the Park Avenue Synagogue andDr. Zev Zahavy, the rabbi at Congregation Zichron Ephraim each “commend MayorWagner for refusing to grant a permit for an America Nazi party rally in UnionSquare on July 4.”

1960: During a Shabbat morning service at Detroit’s Temple Beth Elwhich marked the end of “the 71st annual convention of the CentralConference of American Rabbis,” “Dr. Nelson Glueck, president of the HebrewUnion College-Jewish Institute of Religion” warned the attendees “againstpermitting the ‘getting and giving of money’ to become the major premise incommunity life” while taking “issue with every kind of vague humanitarianismand well-fed sentimentality when these tend to supplant the restless search fortruth and the realistic implementation of the imperatives of” the Jewish faith.

1961: The Carpetbaggers by Harold Robbins was number 9 onthe New York Times bestseller list on the same day that Murray Schumach beganhis review of the novel with "It was not quite proper to have printed TheCarpetbaggers between covers of a book. It should have been inscribed onthe walls of a public lavatory."

1962: The U.S. Supreme Court decides thatnon-denominational prayer allowed in New York States is an unconstitutionalviolation of the separation of church and state.

1962(23rdof Sivan, 5722): Seventy-seven-year-old Minsk native and holder of a degree in pharmaceuticalchemistry from Wisconsin’s Marquette UniversityEphraim Elihyahu Lisitzky, the husband of Bertha Schefrin Lisitzky “Hebrew poet, translator and educator” andwinner of two awards for his poetry from the Jewish Book Council of Americawhose original Hebrew works included “Smoldering Fires which describes the lifeof the North American Indian as well translations of “Julius Caesar” and “TheTempest” from Shakespeare English into modern Hebrew passed away today in New Orleanswhere “he ha served as the head of a Hebrew School” after which was buried in the Gates of Prayer Cemetery.

1964:On tonight’s broadcast of the “CBS Evening News,” Walter Cronkite said the disappearanceof three Civil Rights workers – Chaney, Goodman and Schwerner – was ‘the focusof the whole country’s concern” at a time when Governor Paul B. Johnson, J. saidthe three brutally murder men were “just hiding and trying to cause bad publicity”for Mississippi.

1964:U.S. premiere of “Circus World” produced by Samuel Brontson, with a scriptco-authored by Ben Hecht and music by Dimitri Tiomkin who won a Golden Globefor his effort.

1965:When followed home from a meeting of Canadian Nazis, Henryk Van der Windt tellsthe Toronto Star that he was working under cover for the Canadian JewishCongress who had hired him to spy on Nazi leader John Beattie. For more on this see “Delayed Impact” byFrank Bialystok.

1965(25thof Sivan, 5725): Sixty-five-year-old Polish born American attorney JosephFischer Barr who in 1904 came to the United States where he served as theassociate general counsel at the United States Veterans Administration andnational executive director of the Jewish War Veterans while raising his son John“Johnny” Barr, a graduate of Coolidge High School in Washington, DC passed awaytoday.

1965:Funeral services are scheduled to be held today in the chapel of the JewishCemetery at Veyrier, a Geneva suburb for Seventy-year-old“Moses A Leavitt, a leader of relief and resettlement activities for Jewsthroughout the world” passed away today at hospital in Geneva “after havingsuffered a stroke” “after wich the body will flown to New York for burial.”

1966(7thof Tammuz, 5726): Parshat Chukat

1966(7thof Tammuz, 5726): Fifty-four-year-old contractor Abraham Scolnick, a vicepresident of the Cauldwell-Wingate Company and husband of the former MildredKesten with whom he had two children –Adrienne and Michael – passed away todayin the Bronx.

1966(7thof Tammuz, 5726): Sixty-five-year-old Columbus, Ohio native Mose “Moe” Solomon whose major league careerconsisted of two games with the New York Giants passed away today.

1967:After 1,530 performances Neil Simon’s “Barefoot in the Park” finished its firstBroadway run today.

1968:Herb Gray began serving as a Member of Parliament for Windsor West.

1968:“The Secret Life of an American Wife” directed, produced and written by GeorgeAxelrod and starring Walter Matthau was released today in the United States.

1969(9thof Tammuz, 5729): Seventy-five-year-old Alene Stern Erlanger, the wife ofErlanger Mills director Milton Erlanger and Barnard College graduate “who wasresponsible for the formation of the U.S.A.’s canine corps during WW II passedaway today.

1969:“The Gladiators” known as “The Peace Game” in Sweden filmed by cinematographerPeter Suschitzky, the son of cinematographer Wolfgang Suschitzky was releasedtoday.

1970(21st of Sivan, 5730)Seventy-seven-year old WWI veteran and Columbia trained attorney Carl JosephAustrian, the Williamsport, PA born son of Joseph and Selma Silverman, who “ledefforts to rescues German Jews” and “who directed the recovery of more than$100million in savings for 400,000 New Yorkers who thought theyhad lost all when the Bank of United States closed in the Depression” passedaway today.

1970:Today,“the first settlers” moved into Alon Shvut, “a settlement planned by MosheMoskovic, who had been a member of the Masu'ot Yitzhak settlement in the EtzionBloc before 1948” and which “was conceived of as a combined educational centerand a residential quarter for families associated with the then-nascentYeshivat Har Etzion hesder yeshiva, an institution that by special arrangementwith the government combines a five-year program of religious study with armyservice.”

1970(21stof Sivan, 5730): Eighty-one-year-old Austrian born, and University of Chicagoeducated journalist Hermann B. Duetsch, the columnist for the States-Item and“authority on Huey P Long” passed away today.

1971:“Klute,” a “crime thriller “directed and produced” by Alan J. Pakula wasreleased today in the United States.

1972(13th ofTammuz, 5732): Eighty-four-year-old boxing expert and founder of Ring MagazineNat Fleisher passed away today.

1972:Sir Joshua Abraham Hassan began serving his second term as Chief Minister ofGibraltar.

1973(25thof Sivan, 5733): Eighty-four-year-old Jessie Danz, the New York born daughterof Annie and Maurice Mordechai Mohr and the wife of John Danz who “served as an“officer of the Jewish Welfare Society” and the National Council of Women inSeattle passed away today.

1974(5th of Tammuz, 5734): Eighty-one-year-old Hungarian physicistand mathematician Cornellius Lanczos who “served as assistant to AlbertEinstein during the period of 1928–29” passed away today.

1974:In Novosibirsk, Yuri and Anna Berkovsky went on trial having been charge with“speculation and unauthorized possession of firearms.”

1975:“Catholic Vazken, head of the Armenian Church and Metropolitan Philaret, headof the Russian Church in East Berlin and Central Europe” “held separate prayerservices at Yad Vashem” in Jerusalem today “in memory of the six million Jewskilled by the Nazis.”

1975: “Israel handedover 20 convicted terrorists from Sinai and the Gaza Strip to Egyptianauthorities today and received in exchange coffins bearing the remains ofEliyahu Hakim and Eliyahu Ben Tzuri who were hanged in Cairo” in 1945 afterhaving been convicted of murdering Lord Moyne.

1976:“Notes on People” published today described the release of Morton Sobell “whoserved part of a 30-year sentence to commit espionage in the Julius and EthelRosenberg treason case” “from having to report periodically to a probation ascondition of his parole.

1976:It was reported today Dr. Saul Lieberman and Dr. Herman F. Marks “are thisyear’s recipients of the Israel Institute of Technology’s annual $35,000 HarveyPrize. Seventy-eight-year-old Lieberman, the rector of JTS, was recognized forhis “research on Palestine in the Greek and Roman eras and his two books onJewish life in the Hellenistic period. Eighty-one-year-oldMarks, the dean emeritus of the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn “was honoredfor his pioneering research in synthetic fibers.”

1976: The Jerusalem Post reported that ForeignMinister Yigal Allon and his West German counterpart, Hans Genscher, signed inBonn an agreement which could secure and encourage large German investment inIsrael.

1976:Three weeks after opening in the United Kingdom, “The Omen” a horror filmdirected by Richard Donner, produced by Henry Bernhard, written by DavidSeltzer and with music by Jerry Goldsmith was released in the United Satestoday.

1977(9thof Tammuz, 5737): Parashat Chukat

1977:Twenty-one-year-old Lizabeth Cohen, the daughter of accountant and businessmanPaul Martin Cohen and attorney Dorothy (Rodbell) Cohen married Herrick EatonChapman today.

1977(9thof Tammuz, 5737): Fifty-year-old Sue Kaufman the novelist best known for TheDiary of a Mad Housewife and the wife of Jeremiah A. Barondess passed awaytoday

1979(30thof Sivan, 5739): Rosh Chodesh Tammuz

1979(30thof Sivan, 5739): Eighty-four-year-old David “Dave” Fleisher the creator ofseveral iconic cartoon characters and co-owner of Fleischer Studios passed away

1979(30thof Sivan, 5739): Seventy-three-year-old portrait photographer Philippe Halsmanpassed away.

1980(11thof Tammuz, 5740): Chaya Ehrenerich, the President of the Pioneer Women andassociate of Golda Meir passed away today in Brooklyn.

1981:In the Los Feliz neighborhood of Los Angeles, California, the former JeanHively, now known as Ariella Lehrer and civil rights lawyer David Lehrer gavebirth to Jonah Lehrer, the Columbia University graduate and Rhodes Scholar whoparlayed his knowledge of neuroscience into a successful career that includedthe publishing Proust Was a Neuroscientist, How We Decide and Imagine:How Creativity Works

1982:WJC President Edgar Bronfman became the first leader ever of a Jewishorganization to address the United Nations General Assembly

1982:Two days after he passed away, funeral services are scheduled to be held todayfor Nathan Peskin, “the executive director at the Workmen’s Circle.”

1987:Pope John Paul II received Austrian President Kurt Waldheim at theVatican. Apparently the Pope was able to overlook Waldheim's Nazipast. But then he was not alone. The United Nations also couldoverlook it when he was chosen Secretary-General. "Neverforget" - ah what short memories.

1988(10thof Tammuz, 5748): Twenty-six year oldIsraeli-born, American musician Hillel Slovak, the original guitarist with RedHot Chili Peppers, passed away.

1990:Geula Cohen began service as Deputy Science and Technology Minister.

1990:A disagreement appeared to break out today among the leaders of Israel's newGovernment over whether Soviet Jewish immigrants would be settled in theoccupied territories. The dispute adds further confusion to Housing MinisterAriel Sharon's statement that the migrants would not be settled in occupiedland.

1991(13thof Tammuz, 5751): Eighty-seven-year-old Vilinius born American actor IrvingCohen passed away today in Scottsdale, AZ.

1991(13thof Tammuz, 5751): Award winning pathologist Michael Heidelberger passed awaytoday at the age of 103.

1993(6thof Tammuz, 5753): Eighty-nine year Wilma Shannon Warburg, the wife of FrederickMarcus Warburg, passed away today in Middleburg, VA after which she was buriedat Salem Fields Cemetery in Brooklyn.

1993:“Sleepless in Seattle” directed by Nora Ephron who also co-authored the script,featuring Rob Reiner, with music by Marc Shaiman was released in the UnitedStates today.

1996:The Landmarks Preservation Commission adds the Aguilar Branch of the New YorkLibrary to its list.

1998: Pitcher Mike Saipe made his major leaguedebut with the Colorado Rockies.

1998(1st of Tammuz, 5758): Rosh ChodeshTammuz

1998(1st of Tammuz, 5758): Haifanative, WW II British Army veteran and “Israeli historian of Islam and theMiddle East, specializing in the Mamluk dynasties of Egypt David Ayalon who hadchanged his name from David Neustadt at the urging of his Ph.D advisor LeoAryeh Mayer and who ‘founded the department of modern Middle East Studies whilebeing married to “Professor Myriam Rosen-Ayalon of Hebrew University, a leadingauthority on Islamic art and archeology” passed away today.

1999: NBC broadcast the last episode of“Another World” a daily soap opera in which Doris Belack played three differentroles “during the shows 35-year run.”

1999(11th of Tammuz, 5759): Dr.Samuel Bloom, the Associate Clinical Professor in the Department ofOtolaryngology at Mt. Sinai Hospital and winner of the Bronze Start for hisservice during WW II in the U.S. Medical Corps who was the husband of ZitaBloom and father of Betty and Lloyd Bloom passed away today.

2000: TheNew York Times featured reviews ofbooks by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including ALittle Too Close to God: The Thrills and Panic of a Life in Israel by David Horovitz and Life So Far byBetty Friedan.

2001:Today, Alan David Schwartz became Co-President and Co-COO of Bear Stearns.

2002:It was reported today that “A federal judge in Brooklyn has dismissed a lawsuitagainst the government of Poland by a group of Holocaust survivors and theirfamilies, who said they were entitled to compensation for real estate seized byPolish Communists after World War II” because the plaintiffs had “failed toshow that a United States court had jurisdiction over claims against a foreigngovernment.”

2003:Former head the Shin Bet and Commander-in-Chief Ami “Ayalon launched, togetherwith Palestinian professor Sari Nusseibeh, a peace initiative called "ThePeople's Voice" the goal of which is to collect as many signatures ofIsraelis and Palestinians as possible for the peace plan guidelines supportinga two-state solution without the right of return for Palestine.

2003(25thof Sivan, 5763): Aaron Hyman, the husband of Betty Hyman Z”L passed away today.

2004:“After weeks of prodding, thePalestinian leader, Yasir Arafat, has agreed to appoint an interior minister totake charge of security for the Palestinian Authority, Israeli and Americanofficials said today.”

2005(18th of Sivan, 5756): ParashatSh’lach

2005: “Palestinian gunmen carried out adrive-by shooting on a group of Israelis at a hitchhiking post yesterday,killing a 17-year-old male and wounding four near the West Bank town of Hebron,the Israeli military and media said” today.

2006:“Inheritance,” “a documentary film aboutMonika Hertwig a.k.a. Monika Christiane Knauss, the daughter of Ruth IreneKalder and Amon Goeth, Commandant of Kraków-Płaszów concentration camp”“produced for PBS by James Moll, film director, documentary producer and theFounding Executive Director of the USC Shoah Foundation Institute focusing ontestimonies of the Holocaust survivors” was released in the United Statestoday.

2006: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authorsand/or of special interest to Jewish readers including The Bronfamns: The Rise and Fall ofthe House of Seagram by Nicholas Faith and Failed States byNoah Chomsky.

2006: In The Killing after the Killing” published today Elie Weiselreviewed of Fear: Anti-Semitism in Poland After Auschwitz by Jan T. Gross.

2006: Members of the Popular Resistance Committee,another Palestinian terrorist organization, kidnapped 18-year-old high schoolEliyahu Ashrei whom they would then murder.

2006: IDF Corporal Galid Shalit A kidnapped byHamas terrorists. An armed squad of Palestinians terrorists from the Gaza Stripcrossed the border into Israel via a 300-meter-long underground tunnel they dugnear the Kerem Shalom border crossing. One group of militants blasted the reardoor of a Merkava III tank open with a rocket-propelled grenade shell. The tankcommander and the driver were killed when they evacuated the burning tank. Thetank’s gunner, Gilad Shalit, was only lightly wounded and taken prisoner by themilitants. A fourth member on the tank crew was injured in the incident andescaped.

2007: In the newlyminted Israel Baseball League, four teams debut with Netanya Tigers vs. BetShemesh Blue Sox at Kibbutz Gezer Field and Ra'anana Express vs. Tel AvivLightning at Sportek in Tel Aviv.

2007: Kevin Youkilis played in his 120thconsecutive game at first base without an error, breaking the prior Red Soxrecord set in 1921 by Stuffy McInnis

2007: TheIsrael Museum in Jerusalem presents the first of five lectures by painter MeirAppelfeld and painter and art critic Dror Burstein entitled “Five Comments onthe Language of Painting.”

2008: The Jerusalem Kabbala Museum opens in thecity's Nahlaot neighborhood.

2008: In“Genes and Identities,” published today Jerome Groopman reviews Jacobs’sLegacy: A Genetic View of Jewish History by David Goldstein.

2008: InKensington, Maryland, Poet GretchenPrimack, who “lives in the delightfully Jewish feminist-rich HudsonValley” reads from her new work TheSlow Creaking of Planetsas part of the poetry series at the Kensington Row Bookshop.

2008: InJerusalem, at 8 p.m., the Bridge of Strings, popularly known as the CalatravaBridge, will be inaugurated at a dazzling celebration complete withperformances by David De'or, Dudu Fisher, the Jerusalem Dance Troupe andhundreds of dancers - at a cost of NIS 2 million.

2009: InDes Moines, Iowa, AIPAC hosts The 2009 Iowa Annual Event featuring AharonBarnea

Anchorman and Senior Correspondent in the USA,Channel 2 TV News, Israel with a Special Address by Krista Allen AIPAC CampusLiaison at Louisiana State University who will describe her recent maiden visitto Israel and how a Catholic student from Louisiana became engaged as apro-Israel political activist

2009: The Montreal InternationalYiddish Theater Festival comes to a close.

2009: The opening day of G'day ShalomSalaam Israel, presented by the Australia Israel Cultural Exchange, floods theJewish state with the flavor of Australia.

2009: New York City police arrested twoyouth who vandalized two Lower East Side synagogues on Thursday with eggs,smoke bombs, and swastikas. The teenagers, a 15-year-old Asian and a 16-yearold black, drew a large swastika on the United Hebrew Center on EastBroadway. The two then set off a smokebomb before heading to the Bialystoker synagogue on Willet Street, where theydrew a second swastika and through eggs at the building. The attacks occurredonly a few days after eight Jewish children were injured in Williamsburg,Brooklyn after a resident of a Latino block across the street threw a bottlewith dangerous chemicals at them. That attack is not officially categorized asa bias crime, however. Police plan on charging the Lower East Side vandals withthe hate crimes of aggravated harassment, criminal mischief and recklessendangerment. “This is a desecration of G-d, no matter what your religion,”said New York Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, who attends the Bialystokersynagogue. “It is just a despicable act that really should tug at theheartstrings of all of us.” State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo announced thatthe Civil Rights Bureau would open an investigation into the crime calling it“outrageous and deeply disturbing.”

2009 (3rd Tammuz): Third of Tammuzmarks the Rebbe’s Yahrzeit. “The day of passing of a holy tzadik is anauspicious day to reflect and bond with the tzadik’s soul by studying from histeachings as well as to ask the soul to intercede on High on our behalf, especiallyas it ascends even higher on his Yahrzeit.” clickhere to read more about the anniversary of the Rebbe's passing. Rabbi Pinchas Ciment will join tens ofthousands of other people from around the world to pray at the Rebbe’s restingplace, The Ohel .

2009: Some 2,000 Israelis gathered in front ofthe Defense Ministry headquarters in Tel Aviv today to mark three years to theday in which Israel Defense Forces Gilad Shalit fell into captivity in across-border raid by Gaza-based Palestinian gunmen.

2010: Mark Ethan is scheduled to lead adiscussion at the 92nd St Y following a screening of “A Man For AllSeasons.”

2010: Ronit Elkabetz, an Israeli actress fromBeersheba married architect Avner Yasharon

2011: Fifth anniversary of the kidnapping ofGalid Shalit.

2011: Jewish comedian and actress SarahSilverman is scheduled to perform a night of stand-up comedy in Tel Aviv

2011: The National YiddishTheatre is scheduled to present a performance of “The Adventures of HersheleOstropoyler.”

2011: For the second timein two day, oil spills tainted the waters off of Eilat.

2011: France's ambassador to Israel Christophe Bigot met this afternoonwith the parents of captured IDF soldier Gilad Shalit and presented them with aletter in which French President Nicolas Sarkozy directly addressed Shalit."Since your kidnapping, I have taken it on myself to do everything toreturn you to your family," Sarkozy wrote. "I repeated thiscommitment when I met with your father at the Elysee Palace on June 10 and Irepeat it now: France will not abandon you to your fate and will continue to act,along with other bodies, including those in the Arab world, so that thisunjustified suffering comes to an end." Shalit holds dual Israel andFrench citizenship.

2011: Steve Sobroff resigned his management position with the Los AngelesDodger after Major League Baseball seized control of the club.

2011: Acclaimed British writer Howard Jacobson who won the prestigiousMan Booker Prize last year for his novel, “The Finkler Question,” which tackledthemes relating to anti-Semitism, Jewish identity and Israel, criticized fellownovelist Alice Walker for her planned participation in the upcoming flotilla toGaza. [Editor’s note: A year later Walker would announce that she would not letThe Color Purple be translated into Hebrew.]

2011(23rd of Tammuz,5771): Seventy-year-old college professor and anthologist Martin HarryGreenberg passed away today.

2011(23rd of Tammuz, 5771): Eighty-year-old Eugene H. Kummel,who had led McCann Erikson Worlwide during a period of creativity that saw theappearance of signature commercials for co*ke and Miller Lite, passed awaytoday. (As reported by Dennis Hevesi)

2011(23rd of Tammuz, 5771): Ninety-four-year-old Gilbert Sedbon,a longtime correspondent for Reuters who scooped the world on the 1952 “FreeOfficers” Egyptian army coup against King Farouk with the help of Anwar Sadatpassed away today. (As reported by the Eulogizer in JTA)

2012: At the Wiener Library inLondon, Dr. Iris Groscheck is scheduled to deliver a lecture on “The Murder ofthe Children of the Bullenhuser Damm: How a challenging history of the Shoahcan be told to young people” during which she will and discuss the challengesof engaging school-age audiences with violent and disturbing historical events.TheBullenhuser Damm Memorial is dedicated to the memory of 20 Jewish children andat least 28 adults who were hanged and who were subjected to medicalexperiments in the Neuengamme concentration camp before being murdered, to the4 prisoners who cared for them, and to 24 unidentified Soviet prisoners.

2012:Center for Jewish History andSociety for the History of the Czechoslovak Jews are scheduled to present“Bratislava/Pressburg Returns to the Map of Jewish Europe” a lecture by Dr. Maroš Borský, Director of the SlovakJewish Heritage Center in Bratislava

2012: The Boston Red Sox traded Kevin Youkilis to the Chicago White Sox.

2012:At a ceremony in Netanya alongsidevisiting Russian President Vladimir Putin, Israel’s President Shimon Perestoday honored Russian soldiers who were killed while fighting the Nazis, sayingthe “Red Army prevented the world from being brought to its knees.” (Asreported by Aaron Kalman)

2012: Thousands of ultra-Orthodox Jews participated in a mass rally thismorning in Jerusalem’s Shabbat Square. In a display of mourning, protestersdonned burial sacks and smeared ash on their heads to show their disapproval ofanticipated changes to IDF deferment and exemption practices. The Knesset’sPlesner committee, which has been charged with proposing an alternative to thenow-defunct Tal Law — struck down by the Supreme Court earlier this year — isnearing the end of its deliberations. (As reported by Yoel Goodman)

2013: The Israel Museum is scheduled to host a symposium beginning todayentitled “In a Strange Land: The Photographic and Artistic Interpretation ofUnfamiliar Environments.”

2013(17th of Tammuz, 5773): ShivaAsar Be-Tammuz (Seventeenth of Tammuz),a minor fast day that commemorates the breaching of the walls ofJerusalem in 586 B.C.E. by the Babylonians and again in 70 C.E. by the Romans.According to some sages, the Second Temple fell because of the lack of love andcommunity spirit. In America, whether it is bullying or the coarsening of ourpublic discourse, we are painfully aware of the harm that speech can do. Since most American Jews do not refrain fromfood and drink on the 17th of Tammuz maybe it has been proposed that we refrainfrom Lashon Hara (i.e. Speaking Evil) onthis minor fast day. To paraphrase theold Chasidic tale, we will show as much concern for what comes out of ourmouths as we show for what we put in our mouths for one day, it might become ahabit.

2013(17th of Tammuz, 5773): On theJewish calendar, observance of American Independence Day. In 1776, the 4thof July fell on the 17th of Tammuz. So for those of you who want toget a head start on celebrating American Independence, here is your chance.

2013: Archaeological excavation prior to theinstallation of a drainage pipe has exposed for “the first time…such a finelypreserved section of the road in Jerusalem,” the Israel Antiquities Authorityannounced today.

2013: “Charlies and the Chocolate Factory” amusical version of the children’s novel directed by Sam Mendes with lyrics byMarc Shaiman “had its world premiere at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane inLondon” today.

2014: In London The Wiener Library is scheduledto be hosting a special networking evening for the grandchildren of Holocaustsurvivors

2014: “Hanna’s Journey” is scheduled to beshown at the Portland Jewish Film Festival.2014: The Hadassah Book Club isscheduled to meet in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

2014: “The United States will not allow Iran todevelop a nuclear weapon, and will continue to remain steadfast on topicscentral to Israel’s security in the nuclear negotiations, US President BarackObama assured Israeli President Shimon Peres during a meeting this afternoon atthe White House.”

2014: Responding to a plea from the mothers ofthe three kidnap victims - Naftali Frenkel (16), Gilad Sha'ar (16), and EyalYifrah (19) – the Security Cabinet said tonight that “Operation Brother'sKeeper will continue at full force.”

2015: In Coralville, Iowa, Congregation Agudas Achimis scheduled to host its annual congregational meeting.

2015: “A plan to link the cities of Amsterdamand Tel Aviv as twin towns was canceled today after pro-Palestinian groupspressured the Dutch capital’s mayor into backtracking on his proposal.”

2015: “The U.N.’s Gaza Report Is Flawed andDangerous” published today provided Richard Kemp’s analysis of Judge MaryDavis’ report on the fighting in Gaza.

2015: An exhibition of creations by the Judaicadesign brand Mi Polin (the Hebrew words for “From Poland” which created the“Mezuzah from This Home” project is scheduled to come to an end at the PJCCFoster City, California.

2015: In London, Anthony Grafton is scheduledto deliver a lecture on “How Jesus celebrated Passover: Early Modern Views ofthe Last Supper” sponsored by the Jewish Historical Society of England.

2016: In Nashville, TN, the Oz Art Festivalfeaturing the work of “Israeli-American street artist Adam Yekutieli (aka KNOWHOPE)'s” is scheduled to come to an end today.

2016: In Oregon, “Fever at Dawn” a movie aboutHungarian who survived the death camps is scheduled to be shown at the 24thannual Portland Jewish Festival.

2016: “During this morning’s aufruf, asynagogue event to honor her upcoming marriage” to Shoshana Dembitz, Abigail“Grafton spoke about the pain of the recent mass murder at a gay nightclub inOrlando.” (As reported by Alix Wall)

2016: Steen Metz, a concentration camp survivorwho had been born at Odense, Denmark is 1935 is scheduled to be the featuredspeaker in the “In Our Voices” program at the Illinois Holocaust Museum andEducation Center.

2016(19th of Sivan, 5776): ShabbatBeha’alotekha;

2017: The cabinet today suspended agovernment-approved plan to establish a pluralistic prayer pavilion atJerusalem’s Western Wall, following calls by Prime Minister BenjaminNetanyahu’s ultra-Orthodox coalition allies to scrap the deal.”

2017: TheNew York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or ofspecial interest to Jewish readers including More Alive and Less Lonely: OnBooks and Writers by Jonathan Lethem, The Global Novel: Writing theWorld in the 21st Century by Adam Kirsch and The Heirs bySusan Rieger.

2017: Alon Day is scheduled to “become thefirst Israeli to compete in the Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series — the sport’shighest league of competition — when he races the No. 23 car for the BK Racingteam at the Sonoma Raceway in Southern California” today.

2017: Am event “organized to mark 100 yearssince a historic 67-word letter was sent from the then-foreign secretary LordBalfour to the second Lord Rothschild, signaling British support for a Jewishhomeland in Palestine” is scheduled to take place today in London.

2017: The Illinois Holocaust Museum andEducation Center is scheduled to host a book launch of “The Children's Treeof Terezin, written by children's author Dede Harris and illustrated bySara Akerlund that tells the true story about how children in the Terezinconcentration camp overcame unimaginable obstacles to give life to a small treesapling.”

2017: “The Ride For the Living” which starts atthe gates of Auschwitz and ends at the JCC in Krakow is scheduled to take placetoday.

2017(1st of Tammuz, 5777): RoshChodesh Tammuz;

2018: “Kulna Jerusalem” and the Tower of DavidMuseum are scheduled to host the of three events marking the opening of the2018 FIFA World Cup games

2018(12th of Tammuz, 5778): Eight-seven-year-oldSouth African photographer David Goldblatt, the son of Eli and Olga Goldblattpassed away today.

2018: Jason Kander announced he would run formayor of Kansas City, MO today.

2018: In London, JW3 is scheduled to host ascreening of “The Boy Downstairs” starring Zosia Mamet and Matthew Shear.

2018: “The Center for Jewish History andInstituto Cervantes are scheduled to a host a Sephardic music concert(“Juderias”) by Lara Bellow” tonight.

2019: In London, JW3 is scheduled to host ascreening of the documentary “Inside the Mossad.”

2019: The Chevra Kadisha in Edmonton isscheduled to hold a “special meeting” this evening.

2019: As part of his series on “The Ten LostTribes” Rabbi Dr. Raphael Zarum, the Dean of the London School of JewishStudies is scheduled to lecture on “The Failed Siege of Jerusalem.”

2020: As part of the “Leading through Crisisand Change: Jewish Women at the Turn of the 20th Century” series,Rebecca Kobrin ,the Russell and Bettina Knapp Associate Professor of AmericanJewish History at Columbia University and the Associate Director of Columbia'sInstitute for Israel and Jewish Studies is scheduled to deliver a lecture via Zoomon Emma Lazarus.

2020: The Streicker Center is scheduled to hoston-line an on-line screening of “Resistance,” a film about Marcel Marceau’srole in rescuing Jewish children in Nazi-occupied France followed by adiscussion with the film’s star, Jesse Eisenberg.

2020: As a sign of the resilience of Judaism inthe “Heartland” during the Pandemic, The Jewish Federation of Greater DesMoines virtual Annual Meeting is scheduled to be held this evening.

2020: The Jewish Museum of Maryland isscheduled to host the live stream event “Houdini Comes Alive.”

2020: In Ohio, the “Columbus Jewish FilmFestival in Celebration of Andrew Ethan Stern, is scheduled to present avirtual screening of the film “Standing Up, Falling Down,” starring BillyCrystal and Ben Schwartz.”

2020: As proof that Jewish study continuesdespite the Pandemic B’nai Jeshurun Congregation is scheduled to presentonline, “Ethical & Ritual Issues Through the Lens of Conservative JewishLaw with Rabbi Stephen Weiss”

2020(3rd of Tammuz, 5780): Yahrtzeitof the man simply known as The Rebbe.

2021: Congregation Beth Elohim is scheduled topresent “A Cross-Cultural Musical Celebration of Pride Shabbat.”

2021: Kan Kol Hamusika is scheduled to broadcast a “Young ArtistsConcert featuring the winners of the "Dina Turgeman Chamber MusicCompetition"

2021: In a sign of communal vitality, in CedarRapids, IA, Temple Judah is scheduled to host in person Shabbat services thatwill also be available on Zoom.

2021: J.Proud, the Philadelphia Consortium ofJewish organizations committed to LGBTQ inclusion, is scheduled to host a prideshabbat!

2021: InSan Francisco, Congregation Sha’ar Zahav is scheduled to host Pride Shabbat

2022: The Eden-Tamir Center is scheduled tohost “Ensemble Millennium, Ensemble in Residence and Friends."

2022: Amid reports that “the Mossad spyagency has managed to thwart three Iranian attacks targeting Israeli civiliansin Turkey in recent days” the travel warning for Israelis visiting Turkeyremains in effect. (As reported by TOI and YNET)

2022: Boston Dance Theater is scheduled toperform live music and dance with Boston-based musician Yoni Battat.

2022: In Columbus, OH, at Tefirith Israel,during Shabbat Morning Services the congregation is scheduled to share itsgratitude for Miriam Ber, the outgoing Director of Life and Learning with aspecial Aliyah.

2022 (26th of Sivan): Parashat Shelach-Lecha(Send forth)

2023: In Cedar Rapids, IA, The Memorial Servicefor Craig Margulis, father of Aaron Margulis and ex-husband of Nancy Margulis,is scheduled to take place this morning at Eben Israel Cemetery.

2023: Agnon House is scheduled to present “Hirschel'sForest: Reading a Simple Story” an Online lecture with Dr. Dina Berdichevsky

2023: Hollywood mogul Arnon Milchan, a keywitness in one of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s corruption cases, is scheduledto testify at the premier’s corruption trial via video link from Brighton,England, beginning today. (TOI)

2023: The Museum at Eldridge Street Museum isscheduled to host a “Virtual Tour of the Jewish Lower East Side.”

2023: An event honoring the 1948 founding ofthe Jewish Family service of Greater New Orleans is scheduled to take placetoday.

2023: ASF’s Institute of Jewish Experience isscheduled to present “Living the Parsha with Mati Seri,” a discussion of actor,singer, presenter and author Mati Seri’s new book “52 Weeks of Devotion” on theweekly Torah portion.

2024: In Columbus, OH, Teferith Israel isscheduled to host Shomrei Mitzvot Yomi which will provide “in-depth learningand conversation about the 613 commandments in the Torah.”

2024: The JDC Archives is scheduled to ascreening of “Cuba’s Forgotten Jewels: A Haven in Havana” which “recounts thestory of Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi-occupied Europe for a safe haven in Cuba,where they ultimately created a diamond-polishing industry in Havana thatenabled thousands of Cubans and refugees to survive during World War II.”

2024: The Streicker Center is scheduled to hostthe second sessions, on-line of “Hebrew for Advanced Beginners” and “IntermediateHebrew.”

2024: The Paley Center is scheduled bringtogether a panel of documentary and fiction filmmakers to explore new waysHolocaust stories are being told, especially to engage the next generation” andto explore why we must learn lessons from this dark past to combat antisemitismand work toward a more tolerant future.”

Rachel Graber, Vice President of GovernmentRelations and Advocacy at Jewish Women International is scheduled to moderatetoday’s Post Decision Webinar on United States v. Rahmi

2024: Lockdown University is scheduled to hosta lecture by Trudy Gold on “Why the Balfour Declaration? Part 2” and a lectureby David March on “British Objectives and Expectations for the PalestineMandate 1914 to 1936.”

2024: YIVO is scheduled to present a lecture byProfessor Sunny Yudkoff that “examinesa book in Yiddish studies that is frequently mentioned but little read:The Joysof Yiddishby Leo Rosten.”

2024: As the situation on the northern borderworsens and the IDF publicly disparages Prime Minister’s handling of the war inGaza, Israel’s defense minister YoavGallants is scheduled to meet with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin III followingBibi’s second, very public attack on the Biden Administration over the speed atwhich military aide is being sent Israel.

2024: As June 25th begins in Israel, an unprecedented wave ofanti-Semitism that has included Hamas supporters calling for Zionist passengerson a New York subway to raise their hands, sweeps the United States and theHamas held hostages begin day 263 in captivity.(Editor’s note: this situation is too fluid for this blog to cover so weare just providing a snapshot as of the posting at midnight Israeli time.)

This Day, June 25, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L – All #ourCOG News (2024)
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Name: Arline Emard IV

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.