Bien que les FTMO Traders ne tradent qu’avec un capital fictif, ils ont le droit d’obtenir une récompense sous forme d’argent réel s’ils parviennent à générer un «profit» sur un FTMO Account. En d’autres termes, s’ils sont capables de trader le capital fictif de manière rentable, en prouvant leurs compétences et la valeur des données fournies dans le processus, ils recevront une récompense.
Le partage des profits sur le FTMO Account est effectué sur une basemensuellepar défaut, avec la possibilité de placer unpaiement à la demande après une période de 14 jours calendaires à compter de la première transaction passée sur le compte. À condition que le compte soit en profit, le jour du partage des bénéfices peut être modifié jusqu’à 3 fois pour chaque retrait, à tout moment entre 14 jours et 60 jours à compter du début du trading. Si le trader ne modifie pas son jour de partage des profits avant la fin d’un cycle d’un mois, le jour de partage des profits sera ancré au dernier jour de cette période de référence, sans possibilité de le modifier davantage dans la période actuelle. Par exemple, si un trader commence à trader le 1er avril, le premier jour de partage des profits sera disponible le 15 avril et la dernière option pour le jour de partage des profits sera après 60 jours, soit le 31 mai.
Les paiements sont traités dans les 1-2 jours ouvrables suivant la confirmation de la facture. Vous pouvez recevoir vos bénéfices par virement bancaire ordinaire, Skrill ou par cryptomonnaies. Nous ne facturons aucune commission pour les retraits. Pour des raisons réglementaires, les virements bancaires ne sont pas disponibles pour les paiements/payouts dans le cas des pays suivants : Venezuela, Cuba, Soudan et Ukraine.
Vous n’avez pas besoin de réaliser un bénéfice minimum* pour recevoirjusqu’à 90% de vos profits réalisés. Quel que soit le montant des profits que vous générez, c’est ce que nous partageons par 80% (90% pour le Plan de Scaling) et que nous vous versons.
Si vous remplissez les conditions de notre Plan de Scaling, non seulement nous augmentons le solde de votre FTMO Account de 25%, mais le ratio de paiement passera également automatiquement à90%!
Si vous préférez conserver vos profits (après partage) sur votre compte pour augmenter et composer (scaler) en conséquence votre capital et votre drawdown, vous pouvez le faire. Cependant, veuillez noter que nous retirerons toujours notre part des nouveaux bénéfices réalisés sur la dernière Période de Trading.
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*En raison des frais imposés pour les transferts de paiement, il existe une exigence minimale de retrait d’au moins 20 $ pour les virements bancaires et de 50 $ pour les paiements par cryptomonnaies, afin de couvrir le coût d’une transaction.
You are likely meeting your financial obligations via another income source like a career. Trading profits should still be withdrawn regularly but not with the intention to cover all of your bills.
What is the best way to take profits from stocks? ›
When buying a stock, estimate a percentage you plan to sell at. For example, you may sell a position when it profits 20% to 25%. Once you reach this number, sell some or all of the position, or reevaluate your goals. On the other end, a stop loss helps minimize losses in a sharp downturn.
What is the best take-profit strategy? ›
A very popular profit-taking strategy, equally applicable to option trading, is the trailing stop strategy wherein a pre-determined percentage level (say 5%) is set for a specific target. For example, assume you buy 10 option contracts at $80 (totaling $800) with $100 as profit target and $70 as a stop-loss.
When to sell options for profit? ›
With a long call, selling before expiration might be wise if you've met your profit goals or time decay is affecting the option's value. On the other hand, selling a short call, or naked call, could be advantageous when expecting the stock price to remain stable or decrease.
Is it better to take profit or stop loss? ›
Stop-loss prevents you from losing too much of your investment in one trade. Take profit helps you to lock-in what you've already earned. They benefit you because the market is very unpredictable.
When should you exit a profitable trade? ›
If an event looks like it has invalidated your original strategy, then getting out now is often a better option than sticking around to see what might happen next. The first sign that an event is playing havoc with your trades is often a sudden spike in volatility.
What is the most profitable way to make money in the stock market? ›
Buy-and-hold investing offers the most durable path for the majority of market participants. The minority who master special skills can build superior returns through diverse strategies that include short-term speculation and short selling.
Should you withdraw profit from stocks? ›
Having earned a profit from an investment can further justify selling the stock to pay for a major purchase, your living expenses in retirement, or as part of your portfolio allocation strategy. But don't sell a stock for profit just because the price has increased.
What is the 3-5-7 rule in trading? ›
The 3-5-7 rule is a simple approach to managing your trades. Here's how it works: as your trade gains value, you take profits at three different levels—3%, 5%, and 7%. This method helps you lock in profits gradually, instead of waiting and hoping for a bigger win that might never come.
What is the simplest most profitable trading strategy? ›
One of the simplest and most widely known fundamental strategies is value investing. This strategy involves identifying undervalued assets based on their intrinsic value and holding onto them until the market recognizes their true worth.
After a significant advance of 20% to 25% from a proper buy point, consider selling at least some shares into that strength. By doing that, you'll be locking in some gains and won't be caught giving back all your profits in a stock market correction or bear market.
Where should I place my take profit? ›
If you're swing trading and buying into a range market… You should place a take profit order before the nearest resistance or swing high. Because you know that's where the price is likely going to face some selling pressure and you'll want to secure your profits before that happens.
Which option selling strategy is most profitable? ›
The Call Ratio Backspread consists of two parts: selling one or more at-the-money or out-of-the-money calls and purchasing two or three calls that are longer in the money than the call that was sold. This strategy is also considered the best option selling strategy.
What is the best time of day to sell options? ›
Many professional traders trade actively in the first hour or two of trading and take the middle of the day off. This is the best time of the day for trading options for experienced and skillful traders. They may come back for the last hour or two of trading.
Is option selling really profitable? ›
It can be profitable to sell options as the seller collects a premium upfront when they sell and then hopes that the option expires worthless. It's better if the position is hedged, however, because selling options can be risky.
When should I take profit in trading? ›
20%-25% profits-taking rule
One common method is to set a specific percentage, like 10%, 15%, or 20%, as your profit target. When the stock price goes up and reaches that percentage, you sell the stock to secure your gains, which will also boost your confidence in further investment.
Does withdrawal affect profit? ›
It is important to understand that although a withdrawal leads to a reduction in operating assets, a withdrawal has no effect on profit in terms of a balance sheet.
Should I take profits on long term stocks? ›
How long should you hold? Here's a specific rule to help boost your prospects for long-term stock investing success: Once your stock has broken out, take most of your profits when they reach 20% to 25%. If market conditions are choppy and decent gains are hard to come by, then you could exit the entire position.